Standing By

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He pulled the only chair in the room over to the side of Gracie's bed. He had only met this little girl once and the little time he had with her was precious. He remembered her doll and the way she smiled at him. He caught himself smiling as he remembered her tiny giggle. He still had the flower she gave him. He had his sister press it in a book and get it preserved in a tiny resin charm that he put on a chain. It was his little good luck charm. Melody didn't know this but under the shirt he was wearing at the Japan show was this tiny little flower. He also had it with him when he told everyone about Gracie and how he was going to Italy after the tour. If fate had a symbol, it would be this tiny white flower.
He stroked Gracie's hair lovingly and watched as her small chest rose and fell slowly with help from the breathing machine. He closed his eyes and whispered, "Little angel. You'll never be alone. We will never be alone ever again."
He started thinking of Melody. How she risked going to jail to see him. How she flew from Japan to Italy just to be with Gracie. How she was willing to do anything in the world to make sure this little girl had a shot in life.
He opened his eyes and began to speak aloud. He had no idea if Gracie could hear him, or understand him, but it didn't stop him from talking.
"Melody is very special to us both Gracie. She truly is something special. One day I will take you both to see the mountains. You would like that. I bet you would be very good at sledding and throwing snow balls. Then we could go to a zoo. I bet you would like all of the animals there."
He felt a tear run down his cheek as he paused. His chest hurt and he was slightly shaking. It was like all of his emotions were coming out of him. His pain and sadness over Gracie. His happiness that he was here with her and Melody. His hope that one day Melody and Gracie would be his forever. He knew that he barely knew them but they were already so special to him. It was like he was meant to meet them. Meant to take care of them. It was fate.
He grabbed Gracie's tiny hand in his and whispered, "I love you both so much and no matter where in the world we are, I'm always standing by. Always."
He kissed her cheek softly and sat in silence as he stared at Gracie's face. At one point he thought he saw her little eyelids flutter as if she was trying to open them but couldn't. He felt his heart skip a beat but after a few minutes he figured he had just imagined it. It was just his mind and his severe jetlag playing tricks on him.
He didn't say anything else to Gracie. He just sat there and waited. He continued to stand by.

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