Gracie Pt.2

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With the help of the other band members and some of the crew, Esther managed to convince the guards that Melody was their band photographer. She made up some lie about a mix up and after some fast talking, the show went on as usual.
The crowd was loud and pumped, Avi was finally back in the right head space. Everything was going smoothly.
After the show Avi sat down on the small love seat in the main dressing room with Melody. He told her weird things that happened while on tour and she told him about getting caught in the rain in Paris. Everything was absolutely perfect. That moment. Her. Everything. It was like his world had been put back together again, but this time it had an extra piece. An extra being.
Melody told the group funny stories from when she was in Russia, London, and Germany years ago. She had been through some pretty crazy adventures along the way. He was loving it all. Every last bit of it.
"Melody? Do you know spanish?" Esther asked.
"I know enough to get me by. Why? What's up?"
"Well our fixer for our last couple shows pulled out and we kind of need a fixer. We are going to Chile, Argentina, and Portugal next if you're interested."
Avi watched Melody's face and began hoping she would say yes. He saw a faint flicker of uncertainty in her eyes.
"Would it be alright if I slept on it?" Melody asked.
"Sure! That's fine. We will be here for the next few days anyways. We have some appearances and a music video to shoot before we head out."
"Alright, sounds good."
Melody looked over her shoulder at him and smiled. He couldn't help but smile back at her. He felt his face beginning to hurt he had been smiling so much.
"I hate to do this to you all but I have to get back to my hotel room. Breaking and entering sure does take a lot out of you."
Melody stood up and said goodbyes to everyone.
Avi followed her out and claimed that it was to make sure she didn't get arrested but she knew that it was a lie. He grabbed her hand and laced his fingers with her's as they walked down all the different hallways that led to the exit.
"It would be really nice if you came with us," he said to her. She smiled at him and replied,"I bet it's nice in South America this time of year."
When they got to the exit, the hardest part was letting go of his hand. She felt warm and comfort in his touch. Something she hadn't felt in...well, she couldn't remember.
"Seriously think about it Melody. I want you with us, with me."
"Avi, I know. But you also know that I must go where I'm needed."
"You're needed here." He brushed some stray hair out of her face with his hand. She could feel his warm breath against her face as he leaned in to kiss her.
"I will think about it. If it makes you feel better love, you do make a good argument."
She kissed him one last time, said goodbye, and headed back to her hotel room.
Her head was still spinning from what happened tonight as she fell face first into her bed. 'I should go. This feels right,' she thought as she began searching one handed for her laptop that was somewhere in the mess she made earlier on her hotel room floor. She finally felt it and leaned over the side of the bed to grab it. She made herself comfortable and started doing her usual nightly routine of clicking through old pictures, ignoring all of Darren's messages, and checking for new emails.
She froze as she opened one from a friend in Italy. She read the email several times and felt tears run down her cheeks.
'No. No no no no no!' Her brain screamed.
The more she read the email, the more upset she got. The air in her lungs escaped and no matter how many breathes she took, it didn't work. She began to shake and panic.
'Fate! Why must you do this to me!? To Gracie!?' She silently screamed.
"This can't be happening right now," she sobbed.
"No. No. This isn't right. It isn't fair!" She slammed her laptop shut and curled up into a ball. She could feel her tears soaking her pillow as her heart broke.
"No. Not my little angel."
Gracie was her very special little friend. She had been abandoned at a young age like Melody was. She reminded Melody so much of herself. This very special, vibrant little girl. She began cursing herself.
'This wouldn't have happened if I stayed. This is my punishment for leaving such a precious little girl.'
She sat up, quickly wiped the tears from her face, and began gathering up her things. She had to leave. She had to go back to Gracie. Avi popped into her head and it made her cry even harder. She couldn't bare the thought of leaving him broken hearted but she also couldn't live without Gracie.
She opened her laptop again and began typing. She knew what she had to do. She knew that this would hurt him but she had no choice. Gracie needed her. She needed Gracie. She read the message over a few times before sending it. It hurt her to do it and she knew that he would be hurting as well. After all she had done just to be with him again, she had to leave immediately. She silently prayed that he would understand. That he would forgive her for this. That he would wait for her, no matter how long it took.
She finally finished packing up all her things and left, once more, to the airport.

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