01. The Encounter with the Dead

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Author's Note! If I had a time machine, I would go back in time and practically beg the creators of TMNT to at least make them humans. I still can't figure out why they had to be turtles, and their father a rat.

Disclaimer Notice! I disclaim the franchise Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, they belong to its respective owner. What I do own on the other hand, was the story twist I made. That's all.


A Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Fan Fiction

Chapter One

The Inevitable Goodbye

Leo, Raph, Donnie and Mikey – the four turtle brothers, trained for greatness, thought to fight for the good - went on their usual patrol. When all of a sudden, foot ninjas emerged from the shadows, cornering them. Leonardo - their leader - though how strange it sounds, wanted to flee but fate forced them to stay and defend themselves. After hours of fighting endless stream of trained and skilled ninjas...

Mikey was first to go down, an odd kind of dart sticking out from his shoulder. Donnie was the second to fall, having stayed by his brother's side. Leo and Raph were the only ones left, fighting side by side.

Raph was almost finished with his share of enemies when a glint of metal flashed from a distant took his attention. His mind screamed one thought 'No! Leo!' He made a dash and tackled his brother to the ground. The dart hitting him instead.

Leo removed his body from under him and lay it gently with his two remaining brother. Karai grimaced as she failed to shot her target. She leaned the heavy gun on her shoulders, like a sack of rice and emerged from her shadows. Leo still has his back on them, as if daring them to break their honor attack him from behind. She snickered at that thought. She decided to taunt him.

"Look what we have here...only one turtle left..." She yelled out enough for all to hear. Leo slowly gripped his swords, his knuckles turning white. He turned around and faced them with his eyes still focused on ground. The tension grew as silence seemed to be the only one making a noise. Karai dropped the gun she held, and drew her swords prepared to for any attack. With one gesture from her, the remaining foot attack the remaining turtle.

A minute passed, and all of the foot who attacked him now lay unconscious to the ground. Karai felt fear crawl on her skin. She gulped as she stares at the eyes of the beast.

Leo stood there, his stance the same. His blue bandana swayed rhythmically to the gash of wind. His eyes showed to no mercy to whoever dared to attack his fallen comrade, his fallen brothers. His muscle tense and his senses high, allowing no room for further mistake.

A growl escape his mouth as he prepared yet for another attack. Karai found herself drawing closer to the edge, surprisingly afraid of attacking the creature. 'He's a monster!' Her mind screamed as her eyes wondered the bloody concrete. 'He killed them all...' With one gesture of her hand, she ordered the others to retreat.

Leo had long since prepared himself for a chase, wanting to satisfy his revenge. But a soft moan from own of his brother stopped him. He looked back, his eyes wide and full of horror.

The monster that once overcame him vanished within an instant. His once ferocious eyes reverted to its soft and forgiving ones. He kneeled down, his swords falling from his grip, and checked his fallen brothers.

Blames, Tears, and RegretsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon