When You Meet Him When You Work At Music Store

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Business was slow today, it wasn't something normal though. The store you worked in was always blooming with customers. Most of them were in the store to look around or to buy CDs. It was very uncommon for a person to come in for an instrument or for repairs on an instrument. It didn't bother you though, you loved working in the store. The main reason was because it was your music store.

You were sorting through some vinyls when the bell rang. Looking up, your eyes took in the appearance of a young man decorated in tattoos. He had bright blue eyes that stood out immensely and pale skin that showed the colours on his arms, neck and hands. Calling him pretty was an understatement, he was drop dead gorgeous.

You finished organising the vinyls and headed over to the counter. Placing your hands on the counter, you hummed along to the song that was currently playing. "Pretty nice store," the man commented.

"Oh uh...thanks. It's not usually this empty," you replied smiling at him.

The stranger smiled back. "That doesn't really matter. It's a good store. You don't see these kind of music stores anymore," he sighed. "It's a pity. They were always my favourite."

"Well, that's what I'm trying to do. Bring back people's childhoods and let the now generation see what it's like," you shrugged a shoulder.

The man walked over to you. "I'm Andy," he stuck out one of his tattooed hands.

"(Y/N)," you shook his hand firmly.

You both let go. "Is there anything you would recommend that I should listen to?" Andy asked, looking around at the CDs.

"I don't know. What do you like?" You answered, letting out a deep breath.

"Mötley Crüe, Kiss, The Misfits. That kind of stuff," he replied.

"To be honest, I've listened to one out of three of those, which is Kiss. Maybe try AC/DC," you suggested. "They're one of my favourites."

"Okay, if you suggest them they must be good. Possibly, I could show you Mötley Crüe and The Misfits sometime," Andy smirked.

"Sounds fun. AC/DC are right here," you said, pointing down to the shelf that was attached to the counter.

Andy picked up one of albums. "I'll be getting this then," he place it on the counter.

"Sure thing," you smiled and scanned it. "That'll be 15.99."

Andy took out his wallet and payed the album. You printed out the receipt and grabbed a pen. Writing down your number, you grinned to yourself. "Hope to see you again sometime soon," Andy said.

"You will. You need to show me Mötley Crüe and The Misfits," you replied, giving him his CD and receipt. "Enjoy."

Andy smiled and out walked out of the store, saying goodbye.

Even though it wasn't a busy day, you did get something good out of it.


Hey, guys. I'm such a horrible person to all you. I haven't updated in ages. Sometimes I forget and other times it's because of school.

I hope you guys are all well. Remember to live life on the edge of the fridge. I'm not saying it's going to easy, but it's going to be worth it.


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