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YEAR: 1960

"Come on love," John mumbled as he popped a fag in his mouth. "Want one?"
"No, I promised a friend I'd never smoke,"
"Oh come, they'll never find out,"
"No John,"
"Whatever," he shrugged. "Does it bother ye that George smokes?"
"A little,"
"Then why don't ye tell him to stop?"
"Cause it's not my decision,"
"Whatever, we're here." John sighed as he opened the front door to his mum's house. "Hey Bobby,"
"John," he gasped. "Why are ye here?"
"I'm here for mums wedding dress,"
"Cause my friend here needs it,"
"Why? She's 12,"
"Rude," I scoffed.
"Where is it?" John asked.
"Attic," he grumbled. "Congratulations..."
"Johanna," I smiled.
"Nice to meet ye, I'm Bobby, John's stepfather,"
"Thank ye so much for letting me borrow Julia's wedding dress,"
"It's no trouble. Not like she's gonna need it," he tried laughing.
"Jo, let's go. Bye Bobby,"
"Goodbye John. And good luck with everything Johanna,"
"Ta," I smiled.
"Come on!" John yelled as he pulled me out of the house.
"He seems nice,"
"Seems being the key word," he grumbled as he lit another fag.
"Stop!" I yelled, removing the fag from his lips.
"Yer gonna make my dress smell like smoke!"
"Sorry," he rolled his eyes. "Come on, Mimi lives up the road,"
"Why are we going to Mimi's?"
"That's where we're meeting everyone...do yer parents know yer getting married?"
"No," I chuckled. "They'd freak out if they knew,"
"Wait, they don't know? How do ye get around the house without them noticing yer finger?"
"I may or may not take it off,"
"Wow...what do ye think they'd do to ye?"
"If they found out? Probably kill me," I sighed.
"Come on," John smiled as he opened the gate.
"Mimi! Open up!"
"John, where are yer glasses?" she asked as she showed us inside.
"My pocket,"
"Your pocket blind? No, it's not,"
"Hi Mimi," I chuckled as I took the dress from John's hands.
"Hi darling, congratulations,"
"Thanks," I smiled widely. "Um, where is everyone?"
"George is at his house with Pete and Paul is upstairs,"
"Great," I said as I headed upstairs.
"Can I come?" John smirked.
"Nope," I chuckled.
"Hey love," Paul said as he took the dress. "Strip,"
"Funny," I twisted my face.
"I know," he chuckled. He went to the window and started smoking as I got changed into my wedding dress; after a couple minutes, I called Paul over to zip me up. "Ye look stunning Jo,"
"Thanks Paulie," I kissed his cheek.
"Oh, by the way, I picked these up today," he mumbled. He began fiddling around his pockets; eventually his face lit up ad he pulled out a little box. He opened the lid and revealed two sterling silver wedding bands. "I know yer engagement ring is gold but, this is all I could find,"
"They're perfect Paul," I smiled as I hugged him. "I gotta do my hair." I pat his shoulder and headed downstairs to meet up with Mimi.
"Oh, look at you," John cheered. "Ye clean up nicely Todd,"
"Thanks Lennon,"
"So, why don't ye wanna come to Hamburg again?"
"Cause, college is more important than dicking around in Germany for two years,"
"We're gonna get famous," he warned.
"Oi, I bet!" I yelled with a chuckle.
"Will you two stop fighting, dear lord. Come on Johanna."

Mimi took ahold of my hand and dragged me into her bedroom where she set my long brown locks in curlers. As my hair set, she started doing my make up; it was practically nothing but, it still made me look mice so I didn't mind. About an hour passed and Mimi finally took my hair down and did it up like hers; since this was routine for her, it only took a few minutes.

"You look beautiful," she whispered as she put my veil in.
"Thanks Mimi...I know ye don't really approve of this but-"
"But what? Why do ye need my approval?"
"Well, because you've been so kind to me over the last couple years, and, I uh, kinda see ye as a mum," I smiled.
"Thank you dear," she planted a kiss on top of my head, "hearing you say that means the world to me. Now come on, we don't wanna be late."

We started walking out of the house when Mimi, ran back into the living room.

"Can't forget these," she smiled, handing me a bouquet of roses. "Okay, everyone get in the car,"

We all piled into the car and started our short journey to the court house. Around 4:30, we pulled into the court house and waited for Pete to drop George off.

"What time is he suppose to be here?" Paul asked.
"Now," I sighed.
"What if he's inside?"
"Does anyone see Pete's car?"
"What if he's not coming?" I cried.
"He's not gonna miss this," John whispered. "He loves ye Jo...he wouldn't miss this for the world,"
"Who are ye and what have ye done with my John," Mimi teased.
"I'm gonna go inside, see if he's there. Be right back," Paul said. He got out of the car and jogged into the building. "George!" he called. "George!"
"Paul?" Pete mumbled.
"Hey, where's George?"
"Bathroom...where's Jo?"
"Car," Paul said with a sigh of relief. "I'm gonna go talk to him,"
"That's weird,"
"When he's done pissing, my god Pete," he groaned. "See ye later," he mumbled as he walked into the bathroom. When he walked in, he found George pacing back and forth. "Hey,"
"Oh, hey Paul,"
"You okay?"
"Cause I'm getting marries dip shit,"
"I thought ye wanted this,"
"I do it's just..."
"It's just what!"
"What if I'm not good enough for her?"
"What do ye mean?"
"Well, she's going off to college and what if she realizes she doesn't need me anymore. I mean, she's not gonna be near her parents anymore so she's probably not gonna be sad anymore...she's not gonna need me..."
"Stop thinking like that! She'll always need ye,"
"A lot can change in two years Paul..."
"Yer right, a lot can change, but I can guarantee that she'll still love ye,"
"No ye can't,"
"Yes I can...now come on, let's get ye a wife,"
"Thanks Paul,"
"No problem. I'll be right back, everyone's waiting in the car,"

About ten minutes passed before we saw Paul run out to the car with a smile on his face.

"Come on Jo, let's get ye married,"

He held out his hand and helped me put of the car. We linked arms and walked into the court house while Mimi held my flowers and John held up the end of my dress and veil.

"He's right in there," Paul smiled. "Are ye ready?"
"Let's go then," he said as he walked me in.

As I was escorted in, George and I exchanged smiles; god, he looked so handsome in his suit.

"Here ye are," Paul smiled, giving my hand to George. "Take good care of her," he teased.
"Sod off McCartney." Then, he looked to me and smiled. "Ye look beautiful,"
"Ye don't look too bad yourself,"
"I love you," he whispered.
"I love you too, Georgie."

A couple minutes passed and before we knew it, we were married; I was officially Johanna Harrison.

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