43 - Better Days I

Start from the beginning

"Actually, I wouldn't mind having someone else do it for once. I want to just lay on my bed and sleep."

"Then let it be done. I'll send up one of the girls. Ezio, shall I send anyone...?"

"You could send Catherine," he smirked cheekily, and laughed when the woman in question smacked his arm hard. "No, no; just send whoever to make the bath."

"Very well. Now, go on then. Finish your food and get bathed."

"Sounds like a plan. I'll see you at the table," the redhead smiled to them both and then trotted off, leaving Ezio to finish his meal.

He didn't take long, and soon he, too, was heading upstairs to refresh. Both were relieved to have their—separate—baths and take in the soothing warmth which beat back the cold and relieved their sore bodies. It felt even better to be home and to be in new clothes—their bloodied ones, while having kept them clean as best they could, had started to stink some. Catherine was especially glad to be in a new shirt, although she did love her blue tunic. Her more relaxed green vest and dark pants were always a good substitute, however, and once she tied her hair up in a bun she was ready to head down. It felt a little odd not having her weapons on her, but this was home and safety. There was no need for them here, although occasionally she kept a knife on her. Not today, though—today was for talking and planning with words and pens, not swords and fists.

"Well, well, look at you—haven't seen you wear the red and gold before. It suits you, and... wait, is that your emblem?" Catherine spoke up as she met Ezio at the top of the first set of stairs. She reached to take it in her hands, examining it. It had some more wear to it than she recalled, but it was to be expected. Still, she couldn't help smiling to see him wearing it—to know what it meant between them for him to have.

He smiled, touching her hand, "I have for quite a while now, you know—ever since you gave it back to me. I just... felt it was right to wear it like this today. It's a proud moment, after all."

"Indeed it is. You deserve this," she smiled back briefly before tugging her hand away. "The color looks good on you, by the way. Did Annetta or Dia make that one?"

"Both, I think? I didn't ask for it, but it was there waiting for me on my bed, so who knows. Green suits you as well, although blue is more your color."

"It is my favorite, although I didn't peg you to know fashion," she mused as they descended.

He chuckled, getting to the bottom first and taking her hand to "help" her down, "A gentleman should always know what makes his lady look most ravishing."

"Uh-huh. Too bad for you, I'm not your lady," she smirked, pulling her hand free as she waltzed past him. "Now, come on. The others are waiting. We've got to give them the good news."

"As you command," he chuckled, and trotted after.

As had been planned, the rest of the Auditore family was present, including Mario. They had already begun to eat, but once the two arrived things settled down so they could speak. Ezio was all too happy to reveal the results of their mission: Jacopo de' Pazzi was dead, and all those who had wronged their family had been taken care of. That is, except for the Spaniard, but that was left be. The Pazzi were the worst perpetrators, and the relief that flooded through the room was palpable. There was much joy to be had, and great cheer was made as well. Even Maria brightened at the news, and spoke more than any had heard her say in a long time. Claudia was even more jubilant, and hugged both Assassins with a great deal of vigor. Their family's souls could rest now—their vengeance had been quenched; how could they not rejoice?

Catherine only wished she and Ezio could have shared it as deeply as the others. There was more work still, and with a quick look to their Uncle, he, too, knew. It was for that reason they were able to excuse themselves on the promise of celebrating proper later. For now, the trio made their way to Mario's office where they told him of what had happened and all that they had heard. The news made the older man frown deeply, his brow furrowing, as he paced.

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