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A/N: I'M BACK!!! Okay I just wanted to say (type? oh well), that you, Reader-Chan, is going to be stalked by someone and the person is in it's human form. ^w^ I already gave out too much information. 

Your P.O.V

It's been a week since I was in a coma and had that weird dream. I can't help but feel as if someone was stalking me. It's weird I might as well just shrug it off, it's really troublesome. "(Y/N) hurry up or your going to be late for school!" Mike yelled. "I'd rather not go to school to deal with idiots all day." you mumbled to yourself. "(Y/N!!)" I quickly got changed into my outfit. I quickly went down the stairs ignoring Mike's protests and jumped into the car and waited for Mike to take me to school. I started to daydream about pandas until I felt the car move a little.

Mike gave me a plate with waffles on it. I gave him a questioning look. "You baka, you really are clueless. I was making you waffles for breakfast until you impatient self went zooming to the car, as if you running from a monster. So me being the nice brother I am, decided to bring you waffles." "Thanks.... I guess"​ I started eating my waffles as Mike started to zoom past all the streets to reach our destination. School. Once we arrived I ran out of the car giving Mike a quick goodbye as I ran towards the huge white building. I started to slow down as I reached my classroom.

"Ms.(L/N), you're late." "Sorry Mrs. It won't happen again." I said. As I started to walk over to my desk in the back corner of the room, the teachers icy strict tone rang inside the classroom. "(Y/N), we have a new student. His name is Benjamin, please make him feel welcomed." I nodded, my (e/c) eyes scanning the large classroom for any new faces. "Where is he, I don't see anyone." I asked. "HEY! I'm not that short. But am I going blind because I see a beautiful angel inside this classroom." The loud but yet gruff voice said. Wait did he just try to flirt with me? Hell to the fucking no! Short ass midget. I looked at my side and saw a dirty blonde with blue eyes midget, your classic douche bag. "Hey shorty shut up with your cheesy pick up lines." I said. "(L/N)! In your seat now!" I saluted the teacher and went to my seat.

Time skip brought to you by ~ Mr.Clean

Apparently that new kid Benjamin is a huge ass pervert. I caught him looking at my butt twice. TWICE. That little midget is weird as fuck. Somehow he managed to sit across from me in every class. No idea how but he did it all right. Every chance he got he looked at me, like a stalker. "(Y/N)~" speak of the devil, the midget himself is calling me.

Ben's P.o.V

What's so special about her? How is she the chosen one? She seems like a ordinary girl. But she does have this strange aura surrounding her. All chosen ones have a special power, I wonder what her power is. But I'm also worried about her. Every single chosen one so far has died because of Zalgo and because of the hunters. I know that E.J has kept an eye on her recently. I'll have to tell Slenderp that E.J and Jeff will also have to transfer to the school to make sure she's safe. Now that I get to see her better, I know what she looks like, and that she's stingy. AND SHE CALLED ME SHORT!! AND A PERVERT!! I am not a pervert. I crossed my arms at the thought of being called a pervert. I kept on looking at (Y/N) while the annoying worthless teacher put some notes on the white board with the red expo marker. I saw the (h/c) haired girl catch me looking at her. Welp all she did was glare at me. For a human she does have a pretty deathly glare. If only looks can kill I'd be dead by now. My head was filled with static, which only meant one thing. Slender was nearby. 'Child how is the chosen one doing so far?' His bold 'voice' asked Well Slender, she's doing fine. A pretty scary human I'd say.' 'She is a chosen one BEN. They were always scary. They have the beauty of goddesses, but they also acquire the power of a creepypasta and devil. I'm sure you noticed by now. That's why we need to protect her, chosen ones appear very rarely.' 'Yep, I sure as hell noticed by now' The static in my head stopped indicating that Slenderman isn't nearby anymore. I guess I'll have to ask for my request when I go back to the mansion. E.J will accept without second thought, it does seem like he has taken a liking to her. And I sure as hell see what Slender was talking about. Her looks are breathtaking. She does have the looks of a goddess. Jeff will obviously want to do something to her, I mean I won't judge I would do the same thing. My mission is to stalk her until I know what her power is. You never know what type of power she wields, and if Zalgo get's his hands on her first. The creeypastas will be history.

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