Chapter 13- hello

Start from the beginning

“That’d be awesome, but I have to pick up my family now. Sorry,” She gives me an apologetic look. I snap my fingers.

“I got it! Why don’t we bring both of our families out to dinner? They can meet and hangout!” I have the slightest bit of hope in me. She nods her head and we walk to our cars.

“Ok so Chino’s at 7:00?” I just nod in response. I soon drive back home to get changed.

I pull up and park on the street. I sure enough, I walk in to seeing Devin playing on the Xbox and eating more food. I groan at his mess.

“Devin, I’m going out tonight.” He doesn’t move. “Ok and do you care whom I shall be going with?” He shrugs his shoulders. How rude? “It may be with an incredibly hot model.” I say. He shrugs again. What the f*ck? I feel the tiniest bit of sadness take over my emotions. I march upstairs and slam the door behind me. I allowed a few tears to slip from my eyes. Yes, I know. You probably think that I’m over exaggerating, but it hurt that he wouldn’t care if I were to cheat. I quickly wipe the droplets off of my face. I violently open my closet door to find an outfit.

After going through my clothes, throwing them all out on my bed, I give up. I just decide to stay in what I have on and just redo my hair and make-up.

I come out of the bathroom looking normal. I run back downstairs and grab my purse.

“Ok, I’m going,” I tell Devin as I walk towards the door. He doesn’t even look at me. I sigh and walk outside, and down to my car. I quickly hop in and drive to Chino’s for a fun night!

I pull up to the restaurant and park my car, next to Claire’s.  I see my family and her family all-talking together. So far, so good. The one thing that caught my eye was how awkward Zach was acting towards Claire’s sister, Vanessa. Someone has a crush.

I get out of the car and walk up to my family. I give them all hugs and then I get introduced to Claire’s family.

“Kati, this is my mom, Suzy, dad, Jerry, and younger sister Vanessa.” I shake each of there hands. We all walk inside and get seated immediately. We all sit and begin to have a conversation. We kept it going until the waiter comes back. We all order our food and began to pick up were we left off talking.

I learned a lot about Claire’s family. They are very nice and genuine people. I was talking to Suzy until Zach grabbed my arm and pulled me outside.

‘What’s the problem mate?” I ask him, very confused.

“I-I don’t know how to talk to Vanessa. I mean she’s so pretty, very funny and intelligent, and pretty. I need your help,” he said while rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. Wow. He’s never really asked for my help with girls before so this must be important to him. He continues, “And how you always become such good friends with guys so easily… like Harry,” He gets quiet at that last part. I choke on my own saliva at his choice of words. He looks out the ground and mumbles a sorry. My family knows how much I dislike people talking about Harry. I mean yes I was friends with him but hint word… WAS! They need to realize that now. I take a deep breath and let out all of the anger boiling inside of me. I nod slowly and he gets all excited. I remember 13 year-old crushes. Good ole days. I’m just kidding.

Anyways, I walk back in with my hand on his back. I sit back down and so does Zach. I start a conversation with Vanessa.

“So, Vanessa, what do you like to do on your free time?” That’s always an icebreaker.

"Ummmmm, basically I just play softball, volleyball, and Xbox.” Light bulb!

“Really, well, Zach also likes baseball and Xobox.” She raises her eyebrows.

“Really? What’s your favourite game on Xbox?” and that’s Doctor Kati Love at her work. I smile to myself and Zach mouths a ‘thank-you’. I just lightly giggle and continue to eat.

The night went by fast. There was so much laughter it was great! I was walking over to my dad’s rental car and see Zach and Vanessa talking and walking and… HOLDING HANDS?! Oh my god! I can’t believe this. They continue to talk until I called Zach over. He gave her a good-bye hug and walks over to me with his hands shoved in his pockets. I can’t help but smile.

“Soooooo… You and Vanessa, eh?” I ask, raising one eyebrow.

“Yeah, I got her number.” I clap and mess up his hair. I laugh and say good-bye to the rest of my family before walking off to my car.

“So, Vanessa and Zach?” I hear Claire say. I laugh.

“Yeah. He really likes her.” I can’t help but smile, again. We both laugh and say bye. I soon pull up to my house. I get out and go on inside.

I unlock the door and walk inside, locking the door behind me. I see a large body, sleeping on the couch. I just walk past him and head upstairs. I change into my pajamas and crawl in bed. I soon drift off to sleep.


A/N: my twitter has all of the photos! it's @zayngels63 thanks stud-muffins! This chapter goes out Rachel Forrest! We'll get through this babe! Love ya<3

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