Chapter 1- goodbye and what?!

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A/N Hi:) Here is the first chapter!


'Dear Journal, Hi! I'm Kati W. I live in the U.K. but I don't know where. I got you from my bestest friend ever! It was my birthday present from him. He is like my brother:) I'm going to tell you ALL of my secerets. I trust you with me heart. Well, I hear my mom coming. Probably time for Shawn to leave. TTYL, Kati'

My twin brother was downstairs with my dad getting ready to leave. Shawn and I were really close. It hurt to see him go. Me, Shawn, and my best friend were like the Three Musketeers.

I heard my mom walking up the steps. I quickly closed my journal and hid it in my pillowcase. No one was going to get my book! I heard a knock on the door. I got up and walked over to open it. My mom and older sister were standing in the doorway. I guess it was time for final goodbyes.

"Honey, Shawn is leaving. Come and say your last goodbyes..." my mom choked out the words between lite sobs.

"Ok but mommy promise me that we'll see him again," I said in my tiny voice.

I had a lump in my throat from just saying that. He was not only my best friend, but also family. Like what Lilo said 'Ohana means family, and family means no one is left behind or forgotten.' I slowly descended down the stairs and saw all the bags around my 3 older brothers.

Alex, the oldest and 15 years older than me, gave Shawn a gift but I only got a glimpse. Then Max, 11 years older than me, gave him a bear hug and a family photo to keep with him. I saw Max's eyes glistening with tears in the hall light. Then Ashley and Ashton, twins and 8 years older than me, gave Shawn the best gift yet... the dog tags my grandfather had given my dad before he died. Ashley was trying so hard to fight the temptation to cry. She failed as I saw droplets slowly fall down her cheeks. Then it was my turn and I didn't know what to say.

"I love you Shawn! Please don't forget about us." I didn't realize that I was crying until I felt a warm streak go from my eyes, to my cheek, to my chin, then splatter on the floor.

"How can I ever forget about you? You're my sister, and my best friend." That's it! I was officially bawling. He gave me one of his famous hugs. It felt so good I didn't want to let go, but I had to.

My mom was a mess. She was crying, her eyes bloodshot and her lips big and red. I hated to see her like this. She was more emotional then ever. I think the fat that she's pregnant made it worse.

I honestly had no idea why my brother was going to military school. Nobody would tell me anything. I don't even think he knows. My mom and dad said that he's only supposed to be gone for 3 years but I really do doubt that.

My father grabbed the bags and put them in the car. Shawn said goodbye to my mom and then said goodbye to the little brother he's supposed to have soon.

Everyone was a crying mess now. I hated to see my family so upset. Before the door slammed shut, Shawn and I's best friend came running up the driveway. He gave Shawn a 'bro' hug then came running to my side to comfort me at my weakest point. That's what kind of best friend he is. My dad hopped in the car and drove down the driveway. Everyone slowly started to pull themselves together. Wait, who am I kidding. Everyone missed him so much!

"Thanks for coming Harry. Really means a lot." I told him in almost a whisper.

"Anything for you Kati. I know how hard it is." He said giving me a hug. We ended up hanging out all day. We just talked and laughed, went outside and played hide-'n-seek. Shawn popped into my head a couple of times but I quickly shook him out. Almost 3 hours later it was dark, so we came inside to play Legos.

"Dinner! Harry, your mom would like you home! Kati can you walk him back?" My mom yelled from the kitchen.

"Aww! I don't want him to leave! But ok." I yelled back to her making my voice crack several times.

"Let's go HarBear!" I said putting down the legos and walking to the door. He followed me. I turned the handle and stepped into the hallway. The aroma of chicken and cheese enchiladas filled the house. My favorite!

"Thanks for coming and helping Harry!" I said as we walked to his house.

"No problamo el chica" he said trying to act Mexican.

Harry and I got to his front door. I stopped and gave him a hug bye. I quickly ran back to my house. I didn't like being outside in the dark... monsters!

Back at home, we all dished up our plates and sat down. My dad wasn't home yet. Still driving back from dropping Shawn off. We sat at our oversized table and all dug in. When my family got food, everyone got quiet. Half way through dinner my mom began to talk.

"So, kids, I know your dad isn't home yet but he told me to tell all of you," She said while whipping the sauce off her mouth with her napkin.

"Yeah?" All of us kids said at once. We didn't know where this was going. The suspense was building when we only heard each other's breathing. I didn't like what I was suspecting my mom to say.

She started talking again. "I know today has been really hard, but all of us, just not Shawn, are..."


A/N: Whats gonna happen? have to read to find out. So harry is her best friend? Wow.

Xx Kat<3

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