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Danielle Pov

Chris left last night and looked really mad. I'm not even sure why...he doesnt know.. does he?

I'm not sure but its 8am and I already fed and changed Kaliyahh she went back to sleep. I turn on the news

"Today we discovered Antonio Richards Dead in his home brutally beaten. No clue as to whom may have did it but the police still --" I turned the tv off and cried so hard. for some reason sympathy was still there for Toni even tho he's done me so wrong.

my heart still felt as if I needed him even though we havent been together in a year or so.

toni and I have a history

we had been going out since 9th grade all the way until last year when I met chris.

my thoughts were intruded by Chris barging in the door. I ran up to him hugging him with ny head nuzzled in his chest.

",Chris Where were you?!" I yelled.

he pushed me away from him

"Get the hell off me Danielle"

he slurred...oh he was drunk.

",Why what's wrong?!" I asked

",Your a liar thats what!"

"Chris I dont have time to argue..Toni was found dead today and I'm under a lot of stress."

"Who gives a damn about toni?!"

"I do Chris! I do!" I yelled he just looked at me and I realized I shouldnt have said that.

he stormed off upstairs and I ran after him

",Chris!! Please stop."

"What?!" he turned around looking at me.

"Why are have you been acting this way,? What's wrong with you?!I love you I give my all to you tell me something !"

"Your a liar..thats all I have to say."

"You lie too!! Your a cheater, Your a smoker your everything I didnt expect to be marrying, So why am I the bad guy?!"

"No! Ive been faithful to you for a couple months now..and that ended last night when I left! Km sick of you keeping things form me not venting your feelings to me if were going to be together you can't be keepin shit from me.! You can't be a Bitch everyday! get your life together Danielle!"

"You asshole I've never kept anything from you! ive never cheated or did you wrong! YOU ARE THE PROBLEM IN THIS RELATIONSHIP"

"Let me ask you one question. When did you plan on telling me?"

I was stunned at Chris's question...

",Tell you what?" .

",Stop playing dumb with me.You were raped."

I just stared at him

"So if this is how things are gonna be leave your ring on the kitchen counter and her your stuff. call me when you've settled down and have a place to live so Kaliyahh can see you." Chris said calmly

"Chris please dont do this"

"Bye Danielle , You need to leave.. I'm done...Were DONE its completely over. I cant do this anymore."

my tears flowed freely and I walked to the room and got my stuff. I called Mariah and she picked me up.

Chris Pov

I took a shower then I heard Kaliyahh crying so.I went to her room and picked her up wrapping her in her blanket I walked down stairs and made her a bottle . after knees finished feeding her i played with her and she laughed and giggled and I smiled. and right then and there I see she looks just like Danielle , I self tearing up a little so I just sucked it up and turned the tv on while Kaliyahh was in her swing looking at her toys.

I just sat there thinking.

and the whole time I thought about what just happened and I cant really decide weather.. It was right or wrong..

and I cant really predict how it'll affect Liyahh's life...

Maybe I needed Danielle and maybe she needed me I was just being what everyone calls me out be..Selfish. I didnt wanna be but maybe thats just exactly what I was.

I dont know. But my exact point is..maybe I just needed to think about it. maybe Danielle would do perfectly fine without me.


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