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Chris Pov

When Danielle told me she was pregnant I cried like a baby I couldnt believe her I'm gonna be a dad!

"a-are you serious!?" i said with my hands in my head trying to act manly so she wouldnt see me cry.

"Yea..are y-you mad?" she asked wiping her tears

"N-no I'm more than happy, I-I cant wait--" I was gonna say something else but I broke down crying I couldnt stand a chance anymore I had to let those tears flow.

Danielle walked up.to me and hugged me

she kissed me on ny forehead and said

"Your gonna be a great daddy."

I looked up at her as tears of joy rolled down my cheeks

I got on my knees and started talking to her stomach

" You gone be the freshest lil Nigga in the world! And your mommy and I are gonna take care of you and you gonna our little gift from god." I smiled and laid my head on her stomach and wiped my tears.

I looked up at danilled then stoop up and kissed her.

She smiled and said

"What make you think it gone be a boy?"

"Ion know.I just picture my first child being a boy."

"Ha! well this ones definitely a girl! and she's gone be a mommys girl.so step back!" she said laughing

" Nahh if its a girl.she gone be a daddies girl, ain't no questions about it!"

she rolled her eyes.


I smiled and called up errbody in my phone

I'm finna be a daddy!!!

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