
I fell asleep for a couple of hours later.

"What time is it?" I asked when I woke up.

"Just in time for dinner," Jade said, as she opened her phone to check the time.

Helena opened the door for me.

"Come on now," she said, and then I got down.

I looked around, and then we were in a parking lot.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"You'll see in a while," Chantel said, and then she threw my backpack to me "Now, get dressed!"

Out of the six of us, I'm the only one who's still wearing the school uniform. Every time the girls go home for the weekend, they change into their casual clothes. I'm super lazy compared to them so, I think I'm the only one at Randolph who just waits until I get home just to change my clothes.

They are seriously trying to mess with me right now. I also got pissed at the fact that they were the ones who packed my stuff for me. What do they even know about my taste in fashion? They don't know anything about my style. So, I thought that they just grabbed the random things possible in my wardrobe. They probably packed the very first thing they saw.

I opened the backpack, and I was very surprised!

It was the green dress I bought at Oxford street when Luke took me to London for my birthday.

"You never wore it before, have you?" Helena asked, and then I shook my head.

"We actually figured it out," Cassy said "There was still a price tag on it."

I gave a small laugh, and then I turned to them. I was about to tear up because I'm very grateful to have them in my life. So, I hugged the five of them.

"Luke may be gone, but we're still here!!!" Cassy said.

I honestly don't care about him anymore! I tried my very best to forget about him, and saying his name is not helping!

"What do you say, Johanna?" Helena said.

"What?" I asked.

"Let's go shopping!!!" Chantel said, as she and the girls started dragging me outside the parking lot. I recognise this place. I've been here before!

Helena held my hand.

"Welcome back to London!!!" she said, and then she smiled at me.

We were standing at Oxford Street...Yes! The famous and busiest shopping street in Europe, but too bad I wasn't in the mood.

"Thanks for bringing me out here, but I'm not in the mood to go shopping," I said "I've seen enough! Now let's go home."

"Wow, Joe!" Helena spoke "I've been driving from Ilkley to London for nearly five hours, and now you want us to go back? You want me to drive for another five hours?"

"I'll drive," I said "And if you want, I'll pay for the toll fees."

"First of all, you don't have a driver's license." Lily said "Second, you don't even have any money."

"Didn't you pack my wallet?!" I asked.

"I thought you have it with you?" Jade asked.

"Well, I don't have it with me right now." I said.

"Don't worry!" Cassy said "We're not spending anything here anyway!"

I changed into the green dress inside a public bathroom, and then we headed for a salon nearby.

The English BoyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora