Chapter 22 - Warning

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I found the video above just out of interest. One of my favourite clips of them dancing together I think. Really deepens the chemistry they have. So cute. It's Trevor, Brittany and Justin Lopes just in case you're wondering....not Isaac Lupien ❤️👌😂 I was thinking that all along until I read the description. I've seen a lot of you pick this up on Insta before and whatever but it's so ironic and just so adorable that both Trevor and Brittany say y'all. Trevor used to say it all the time and still does but I've recently just picked up that Britts saying it a lot more too, even in her Jo & Britt videos. It's so cute though! I love them both so much! It would be a dream if they got together but that's just my imagination. Ahahaha. Now I'm blabbering on too much hahaha. I'll shut up and let you guys read....

Oh btw- day 4 and things still aren't working out with M 😒. I'm so over it. Getting so emotional and upset all the time. She's just really frustrating me now. I'll keep you guys updated. But I really appreciate all the support you gave me before. It was so sweet and even though I'm still sad, it did lighten my mood a bit. I guess that's what writing does for me. It's brightens up the negative and kinda I don't know.... changes my whole perspective on everything as I'm hearing other people's viewing of the situation.

Anywayssssssssssss....gosh I'm so chatty today Hahahaha. Enjoy xoxox

Brittany POV
I drop the keys on the counter, walking into my living room and sitting down on the couch, deeply sighing. Trevor follows, smiling, rubbing my back slightly as I lay next to him
"Big day" I say and he chuckles
"They took it better than I thought Britt, we were lucky" he says and I smile, looking up at him
"Yeah I know. Even after 3 years, they're the best people anyone could meet. They're still like when we met them, really supportive" I say and he nods then cups my cheeks, leaning in to kiss me
"I can't wait to have this baby with you" he whispers and then pulls away after after a while
"Neither can I" i whisper back before kissing him again. Our heads touch as we enjoy the moment
"Hey so I was you wanna go out tonight for dinner? Just me and you?"
"Like a date?"
"If you want it to be a date, then yeah" he says moving closer to me. I smirk looking at my phone time 1:30 pm
"Yeah okay why not. Id love too" I agree and he smiles, touching my upper thigh
"Great. Well I'll leave you to chill alone for a while and to get ready and I'll swing by say 7?" He asks and I nod, simply smiling.
"Can't wait" I reply softly and he grins, pecking me on the lips and stands up moving towards the door
"See you in a bit" I say standing at the door
"Love you" he says walking backwards. I chuckle
"I love you too" I say and he smiles as I wave, watching him then drive off back to his own place. I sigh, "his place" why can't it be "our place." I shake my head, dismissing the thought in stupidity. Maybe it's too early, but then again we are having a baby together....

Trevor POV
I smile, taking a detour past the mall on my way home. I want tonight to be perfect, a night she'll never forget. I stop in the florist to get her a rose as well a ring. No not an engagement ring, a promise ring. Tonight I'm going to ask Britt to move in with me. Starting a family requires so much commitment within the couple and I believe that getting her to move in with me so that we can raise this baby together, is just that one step further in our relationship. I just hope she says yes.

I get home, now 2:30 pm and I know I have plenty of time to get ready. Britt lives half and hour away from me. I mean, now sidetracking before, that's another reason I need to move in with her. If she goes into labour and I'm half way across the state in another apartment, that's half an hour of that process that I'm missing and I know she'd be so upset that I wasn't there for her during that time. After watching tv till about 3, the doorbell rings which is weird cause Lamar doesn't usually get home until 6/7 from set. I mute the television and exhale a bit, reaching the door handle and swinging it open.
"Oh hey Victoria" I say, a little shocked. She smiles weakly
"Hey! I er, I just wanted to talk to you....without Brittany" she explains and to be honest I'm a little confused.
"Ummmm.....sure. Come in" I say welcoming her inside. She smiles, putting her bag down
"Aren't you still filming?" I ask her, watching her take off her jacket and place her phone and bag down on he table. She shakes her head
"I'm finished for the day. But ummm Lamar said to tell you that he won't be coming home tonight, he's sleeping at Isaacs" I laugh
"So much for pigeon mail" she laughs
"His phone is dead" she tells me and I nod, still laughing
"Right okay. Anyways, you wanted to ask me something...." I say and she smiles
"Uh, yeah....well it's not quite a question. Just a warning if you'd put it that way...." She says and I look at her, a little scared
"Someone out to kill me?" She laughs
"No" she shakes her head. I stare at her, kind've waiting for her to tell me what it is
"Hahaha okay. I'm so happy for Britt and you. I mean having a baby is so huge and you guys are so in love and it's really sweet seeing you guys take your relationship further....its just as a friend and as a soon to be aunty, yes britt told me she was pregnant before she told you..." She starts off and I laugh, pretending to act sad. She sighs before continuing
"I don't know....I just don't want see either of you get hurt. You both are now practically family to me and seeing you split the first time was hard would break my heart to see an expecting couple split for a second. I mean you two aren't even engaged yet! It's just hard to see it. Don't get me wrong I trust you guys 100%, and I love you both like no other. I would just really hate it, if either one of you got hurt. And that poor baby....." She says kinda dragging on now
"Vic...calm down!" I say and she looks at me steady in the eye
"Tonight I'm asking Britt to move in with me. I think that taking the next step (no pun intended) in our relationship will make her feel more secure and more safe with having me their by her side. I get where you are coming from and trust me vic, I'm scared too that something might happen cause Britt is my world. And I would hate to loose her again, it was incredible that we even reunited this second time. But that's the thing. I'm in control. And I know and I'm going to make sure that nothing will happen" I finish off. Vic still looks unsure but it's all I can do.

It's all I need to do. Britt means everything to me. And there is no way I'm going to loose her.

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