Chapter 7

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*same day since the last chapter.*

I'm driving home after work when I got a text from Barry.

Meet me at S.T.A.R. Labs. I wanna talk to you about Snart. -B


I got to S.T.A.R Labs and went into the main cortex where I saw Caitlin, Cisco, and Barry trying to figure out a way to transport the Metas, in case Snart doesn't show up.

I walked in. "Uh, hey guys."

Cisco didn't even bother look up, which I couldn't blame him since he had enough pressure on him at the moment, and said. "Hey."

Caitlin didn't say a word.

And Barry motioned with his hand to call me into his treadmill room.

I followed him and closed the door behind me.

Barry looked at me with a worried look. "So, did Snart figure out his answer, yet?"

"He said he did, but he didn't tell me what it was." I said sitting on the treadmill.

"Okay. Good." Barry said sitting next to me.

"Is that all?" I said, knowing there was something more, because Barry wouldn't have told me to come down here just for one question.

"No...are you and Snart dating or what?" He said with a disgust look.

"I would like to think so, but I Dont think so, not yet at least." I said smiling.

Barry still looking at me with disgust.

I look at Barry and seen his disgusted face.

I punched him."don't look at me like that! You cant control your feelings with Iris, its like that with me..."

"Just with a thief/killer/criminal right?" He said putting his hands in his lap.

"Exactly!" I stood up and saw Joe in the cortex. "I think Joes here to see you."

"Oh great, perfect timing for me to tell him I asked Snart for help." He said with sarcasm.

"He doesn't know?" I said opening the door.

"He's about to." He said walking behind me into the cortex.

"Hey, Viv. What're you doing here?" He said to me but than saw Barry and forgot that I was even in the same room."Barry! I've been trying to call you!"

"I know. I know. Listen, I talked to Snart." Barry said preparing himself from Joes yelling.

"Are you out of your mind? What do you mean you talked to Leonard Snart?!" Joe said raising his voice slowly.

"I asked him for help." Barry said trying to calm him down.

"Barry, how can you do something so stupid?" Joe yelled.

"Joe, I think Barry made a right decision.." I said stepping in.

"Great, now you too. Snart is a criminal! May I need to remind you two?!" Joe said now yelling at both of us.

"Atleast I'm not the one falling for the guy" Barry said looking at me.

Joe looked at Barry and than at me. "Please, tell me.. You and Snart are-"

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