Chapter 4

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Its been 3 months since Snart has stopped coming to Jitters. Everyday I hope to see his blue eyes, soft pink lips, and his little smirk..but it hasnt happened. I realized that he didn't feel for me as much I do for him. Over the three months eventually Iris told Joe, Eddie, and Barry about how Leonard had came to Jitters to talk to me. They all told me to be careful if I ever saw him and go the other way, but all I thought was if I ever did see Leonard I would most likely give him the biggest hug.

I was serving a table when Barry called me.

"Viv? You there?" He asked

"Hello Barry?"

"Listen Snarts back, he broke into a car garage this morning, hoping to see me there." He said in a worried voice.

"Wait, why would Snart want to see you there?" I said confused.

"Did I say me? I meant The Flash." He said trying to sound casual.

"Barry Allen, your not telling me something!" I said leaving to the break room, alone.

"Okay, okay you caught me. I'm.." He whispered."I'm the flash"

"Does iris know? Does Joe know? Does Eddie know?" I say curiously.

"Joe knows, not Iris, not Eddie, but Caitlin,Cisco and Dr. Wells know.. They're the ones who help me out there." He explained. "I will explain better in person. But Snarts back in town. I want you to stay clear and be safe."

"I'll try Barry" I said smiling because the thought of Leonard made me so happy.

"Alright I gotta go. Be safe."

"You too, Flash.." I said smirking.


I was heading to my car when suddenly my car door became frozen.

"Having car trouble?" I heard come from behind me.

I turn around saying. "Gee thanks, I hadn't notice."

"Yeah well that's me helping out." He said sarcastically. "Mick!" He called out over his shoulder.

I saw a taller,more muscular man holding a gun that was just a bit similar to Snarts.

"This is her? The one that made you order a hot cup a coffee every morning? Even when you despise the heat?" He said looking at Snart.

"Yup" he turned towards me. "Look, we need you. And since your innocent you'll be great bait for the Flash."

I realized what Barry had told me earlier. "What makes you think he'll come after me? I'm a stranger to him."

"Yes, but you see the Flash has a weakness for helping out the helpless." He said steeping towards me. "Mick. Get her."

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