10 • Raven Roth-Logan

Start from the beginning

At the age of twenty three, he still had strong feelings for her and that won't change. He was sure it won't. But seeing Raven pissed at him now he was slightly unsure if her feelings would change.

It won't, right? She's having his child... It won't change, right?

"Hey, are you okay?" Raven said pushing back Garfield's hair. "I'm sensing uncertainty from you."

He gave her his loopsided smiled before answering that he indeed was okay. She wasn't buying it though.

She knew him too well.

"Are you doubting me or the baby?" She questioned him. He looked down but immediately snapped his eyes back to her when she asked him that question.

"I- I- I'm unsure," he started. His green eyes were locked on her lavender orbs. She nodded her head, urging Garfield to continue.

"I'm unsure if you'll leave me one day because I'll be annoying as fuck," Raven opened her mouth to object but Garfield held a finger up to signal he wasn't finish yet.

"Let's be honest I matured a bit but I'm still the hyperactive, Video Game master, prankster extrodinaire Beast Boy. You hated, well, disliked me before because of it. What if one day my jokes will really irritate you and you'll get pushed over the edge and then leave me? Or what if I won't ever be a good father because I'm full of jokes?"

"I don't know anything about parenthood! I don't want to wreck our family. I've always wanted to have my own after my parents died. And I never thought I'd have one because of what happened to me in the lab,"

The sun was setting. It painted the sky a deep hue of violet. Raven looked at her husband and kissed his cheeks.

"I also thought who would ever love me? A science experiment... A metahuman... But you proved me wrong and I don't ever want to lose you." Garfield finished off his little monologue. He can't believe he shared the insecurity that haunted him for a while out loud.

He looked over Raven and she had a subtle smile on her face.

"First of all, you are not a the Video Game master. I believe that is Cyborg." The both of them chuckled at that, washing away the somber mood that settled in the common room.

The laughter died down and Raven's voice filled the silence. "Yes, you may be annoying and a jokester but that makes you who you are. And I accept that. I love that. I love how positive you are and can make us laugh at your corny jokes,"

Garfield looked at his wife lovingly.

"I won't ever get tired of you. There will be times I'll get pissed off but that would be temporary. It won't make me leave you. You've been annoying me for so long, why would I leave now or some time in the future?" she said as she look at his eyes directly. She leaned closer to him and he scooted towards her. Raven laid her head on his shoulders as she spoke, "You have your quirks and I have mine. And we're not normal. I'm a demon and you're a changeling. What do we know about parenthood? We'll just wing it, I guess."

That made them laugh again. It also made Garfield feel better.

"Thank you, Raven." Garfield said, kissing her head.

"You're welcome, Gar. And you'll be a good dad. I know it. You also won't wreck this family. I love you so much and you won't ever lose me. Don't think for one second you're not worthy or lovable because you are." Raven responded.

Garfield felt emotional by that but he was trying to keep his feelings at bay. Um, pregnant empathetic wife over here.

He kissed Raven at the lips, showing his gratitude and love towards her.

"Let's name the baby now, shall we?" Garfield said with his loopsided smile that Raven loves.

His wife nodded with her own sincere smile plastered on her face.

"We shall. Finally. But please don't name the baby after a The Walking Dead character."

"Aw, man. There goes Carl."


a/n: I am a huge Teen Titans fan and BBRae shipper (ever since I was a little beanie child). I love them. I don't know if did justice to them but I hope you liked it.

I was just watching over my baby brother then BAM! This came out. Real baby inspiration.



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