2 • Perfect Pet

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[ Perfect Pet: The Nice Person/Killing Spree Challenge ]


The park was quite empty that day.

It was shocking because the weather's absolutely perfect. The sky was blue with pretty patches of clouds aimlessly floating out and about. Rays of sunlight hit the ground with no intensity to burn one's skin or be too scorching. A nice chill was added to the blowing wind.

The day was gorgeously perfect yet no one was outside to enjoy the rare summer weather of the right balance of the hotness and coolness.

Finally, a male came strolling with his pet to the park. Someone was in their right mind to soak in all the nice sunlight.

They walked around park- circling it.

The guy was about nineteen and five foot ten. His coffee coloured hair was tousled, in a not disgusting kind of way.

In his hand was a black leash that held its pet. Now, you'd be shocked at how... uniquely trained his pet was. It was always quiet and not giving any disturbance to its owner. It also doesn't shed to much. It doesn't ruin the furniture too.

It was the perfect pet.

Walking around the empty park, they carried on with their merry way. Each step was methodical and with rhythm. It was repetitive. Left foot, then right foot. Left foot, then right foot and back again with the other one.

It was serene. Everything was with no problem.

The leaves of the trees were dancing along, shaking with the wind.

"Hey, boy, come on now. Do your business," the owner told his companion as they approached the area with tons of trees reaching towards the sky above.

He tugged on the leash and repeated what he said.

The pet of his did not oblige to his request and only gave him a blank stare. He said to it, "We'll go home after this. Just do your business. Come on, Rocky."

"Yeah, Rocky, do your business. Some of us actually wants to sit in that spot but oh well, go pee and shit over there." A boy with a cigarette hanging from his mouth murmured.

The expanse of the park was wide so why in seven hells would he want to sit in that particular spot?


Rocky was obscured from the view of cigarette boy but when the owner shifted and the pet was revealed; the boy couldn't hold his laughter.

"Rocky's an actual rock?!" He boomed. The boy laughed hard enough that he choked a bit on air.

"His pet is a rock!" The cigarette that dangled his lips fell when he doubled in laughter. His eyes crinkled in a cute way when he laughed.

Cuteness won't save him on what'll happen next.

The guy's anger was slow burning. When the boy laughed at his pet rock, that was it.

He wanted a release of his anger so he did. He found a release.

Rocky was removed from his leash and got banged on the boy's skull.

The contact of rock and skull made a crushing noise that the guy thoroughly enjoyed.

"Bad boy, Rocky! Bad boy!" The boy screeched.

"No, Rocky, good boy. Finish your business. Good boy," the owner purred at his pet.

His actions were in a constant pace. Lift his arm up and down to his skull. Crushing it.

"Fucker," the boy had said and trashed around trying to free himself but he failed. After a dozen hits, he laid in the ground, unconscious.

The unconsciousness of the boy did not stop the guy from using Rocky as a weapon. He found pleasure in hitting this stranger with a rock.

Blood dripped down the boy's face. The guy continued his beating to the torso of the boy. Again, repeating his movements. Lifting his arm up and down with precise countings.

The ribs were cracked, broken. His skin was scratched and tattered like a fabric ripped apart. The boy's blood was splattered like paint. It stained the guy's shirt but it wasn't a huge issue for the colour of it was red.

It wasn't really noticeable.

A passerby approached them, his sudden glorious mood drained. The middle aged man quickly took his phone out and called the officials.

"Hello? Yes, yes. I'm here at the local park and an incident happened. Some psychopathic teen tortured a boy," the man said through the phone after one ring. The guy heard the voice of the man halted his actions.

"Near the trees, Sir. Yes, both around eighteen or nineteen. Uh huh... Thank you." He shut his phone and tried to hide. He was not going to be the next victim.

When the man with salt and pepper turned to escape, the guy along with his beloved Rocky was behind.

The Rocky's owner could get a hang of this. Surely Rocky was also getting some fun out of this, right? No? Yes? Oh, well.

"Look, I'm sure you're a nice person but you got in the way of my killing spree so..."

And Rocky made its way to crush another stranger's skull.


a/n: This is pretty stupid. Where the héll is my sanity? But I keep laughing as I'm writing this because of the photo attached. *insert laughing emoji*

Keep slaying.


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