Camila ➵ The Duet

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Baby Koala🐨: Y/N.

Baby Koala🐨: The girls are ignoring me again.

Y/N CaBAEo😌: They still aren't over that duet with Shawn? Jesus. I thought they'd be more mature about it. Even mama sunshine?

Baby Koala🐨: Ally still talks to me, but it's barely a real conversation. She only gives me sympathetic looks when Normani glares at me.

Baby Koala🐨: Y/N, I'm already getting hate from half of the fandom and they keep saying "OT4 Will Rise" on fucking Twitter. Even Shawn's fans are giving me shit, saying that I shouldn't be dating him because.. Well I don't even fucking know AND WE'RE NOT EVEN DATING

Baby Koala🐨: and then some of your fans give me hell also, because they too think that I'm cheating on you with Shawn. I'm so done with everything. I'm tired of it

@Y/NwillStealYoHoe: If you were a real fan of me, you would respect MY GIRLFRIEND and not give her any fucking hate.
4-1-16, 10:06 PM

@Y/NwillStealYoHoe: This is also a message to the Harmonizers. You should support your idols' decisions in who or what they want to be. Not exclude them out on shit like, hmm... I don't know. THEIR GROUP.
4-1-16, 10:08 PM

@Y/NwillStealYoHoe: I see one more hate tweet towards Karla Camila Cabello Estrabao, you will be reported, blocked; oh and possibly be attacked by a bunch of my fans. Bye.
4-1-16, 10:09 PM

In reply to Y/N L/N:
@OT4ismyreligion: lmao Camila is annoying and stupid anyway. OT4 doesn't need her ass and you can go to hell with her
4-1-16, 10:11 PM

Y/N L/N replied to this tweet:
@Y/NwillStealYoHoe: No one asked for your invalid opinion boo. 😊 Gtfo my Twitter page. Have fun being attacked. Might need a new Twitter account while you're at it
4-1-16, 10:12 PM

Y/N CaBAEo😌: Oh wow, the account is nonexistent now. Hm, I wonder why 😂

Y/N CaBAEo😌: People wanna try to talk shit about my girl, lmao they don't know what they're in for

Y/N CaBAEo😌: But ignore all of them. You and Shawn just wanted to have fun with just a song, it's not like you made a whole new album as a solo artist. I'll talk to the girls for you, if it'll make you feel better. You know my persuading skills. 💁🏼 Stay strong baby. 💕 I'll pick you up in a little bit, so we can go for dinner. Dress however you like.

Baby Koala🐨: Thank you babe. Talking to the girls would be great. I'll try to ignore the tweets. And I'll see you in a bit. ❤️


I'll try to mix this up but Camila is just a cute little puppy, I can't help myself

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