Chapter 16: Where Conflict Arises

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Yeah, you can hate me for not updating. I just had a total writer's block for this chapter. Hopefully the long chapter makes up for it!



~ Saturnthehero


There was an elegant palace in a country far off.

Further than seventy-league boots.

The palace was made of an elegant marble; gold plated design lay on every ledge and balcony. Window sills were covered with a copper paint and monogyny doorways.

One, in particular, was thrusted open in a hurried action. It was the main dorrs that entered the estate.

Salazar, though having his normal attire of cheery colors on, held a face of concern as he walked down a dark hallway. Amelia was just out of his reach, and though he could easily snatch her away, he was hoping Howl and Amelia would see how he was struggling.

Turning a right, he came to the largest set of doors yet. He did not hesitate to swing them open. There lay a large room adorned with gold trinkets and velvet rugs.

"I've done what you want." Salazar snapped, "I've killed the King of Jaspatin, now let me see my son and daughter!" His eyes were locked on the man sitting in the extravagant throne. The man shifted and rested his chin in a hand.

"Alright. Ten minutes." The voice was deep and had a rumble that shook the room.
Salazar's eyes peeled off the man and darted towards a door to his right, and there stood a small girl no older than five stood holding the hand of a boy about three years of age.

"Daddy!" The girl's smile shines onto her face and she giggled at the man. Salazar's face softened; lines of age now visible as he smiled. He picked her up and swung her into the air as the boy ran in and out of his legs wobbly. He then picked the boy up as well and hugged both children close to him.

"Diana," Salazar placed a kiss of her head, "Jack," he did the same to the boy.

"Daddy? When can we go back home?" The small girl, Diana asked as she looked up at her father. Hurt filled Salazar's eyes.

"Soon." He held a smile together seemingly by strings as it was so weak. The children vanished from his grasp and he scrambled for the air where his daughter once was. A frightened look on his face.

"Now," the man on the throne snapped his fingers; calling Salazar's attention back up at him. "Are you going to continue stalling on capturing the woman and destroying Howl?"

Salazar painfully shook his head as the cold face returned to the man.

"No, sir."


"Hey Howl; I'm back!" I called out as I returned from the rolling fields of green. I spent most of the day outside this little house that the door connected to and finished the last of Lord of the Rings: FINALLY!!

When I came in, Howl was crouched over the table with his back to me. Wondering what he was up to, naturally I came up behind the man and jump scared the sheet outta him!!!

"Wah! HOI IM TEMMIE!" I laughed as he instantly froze, but soon recovered. Bet he didn't think I'd notice that he slid something into the pocket of his coat.

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