I sat down at the dresser, deciding to do my makeup first. This didn't take long, since I usually only wore the basics. When I finished my makeup, I took my hair out of the messy bun I'd thrown it up in for my shower. My hairbrush was sitting on the dresser in front of me. I grabbed it and began brushing out my messy locks. 

I put my hair up in my usual updo, then took a good look at myself in the mirror. I got up and looked at myself from all angles. I don't know what I was expecting, but I noticed that my waist had expanded ever so slightly. You wouldn't have even noticed it if you weren't looking for it. I smiled and put my hand on the tiny bump. I wasn't more than two, maybe three weeks along, but it was definitely there. 

Kazuto walked in behind me. I quickly moved my hand. It wasn't like it was that embarrassing, but I still didn't want to be caught doing that.

"I made plans with Agil and Shinichi. We're going to go to Shinichi's and play some football. I didn't even know that he played.", Kazuto said. 

"Ok. What time are you going?", I asked. 

"Same time as you. Right after lunch.", he said. 

I nodded and pulled my shirt down a little, covering the waistband of my skirt. Kazuto pulled out a pair of black sports shorts and an old t shirt. While he was changing, I checked through my phone for texts, emails, and missed calls. There was nothing. Not even a spam email. I turned it back off, then stuck it in my purse. It was only 9:00. I had a full 4 hours before I had to be anywhere. I laid back on the bed spread eagle. 

"What's up?", Kazuto asked, plopping down beside me.

"Nothing. Just waiting for 1:00 to roll around.", I said. 

"Nothing to do, huh? We could go watch another HP movie.", Kazuto suggested. 

"Ok. Might as well, since we have four hours. Those things are, what, two and a half hours long?", I said. 

"Pretty close. Let's go.", Kazuto said. 

We got up and walked into the living room, sitting down on the couch, once we got there. This time, I grabbed the remote and cued up the movie. I was about to hit play when the doorbell rang. Kazuto got up to answer it. He opened the door and Kim stood there. 

"Hey, Kim.", he said. 

"Hi, Kazuto. Umm, listen. So, Josh is out of town for a little while and I have to run and take Jaxon and the little ones to baseball. The problem is that I can't be there for both of their practices. Is it possible that you or Asuna could come and help me. I just need you to sit there and watch them until I get done at Jaxon's practice.", she said. 

I stood up and walked over to the door. Kazuto moved over to let me stand next to him.

"Hey, Kim. I'd be happy to babysit for a little while.", I said. 

"I'll come with her.", Kazuto said. 

"Thank you so much. I owe you one. Ok, so they're ready, I just have to get them in the car. Do you guys want to ride with us, or do you want to follow behind us?", Kim asked. 

"We can follow.", I said. 

"Ok, well I'll be just a second.", she said. 

I left the door and went into the bedroom to retrieve my purse. I had bandages, Ibuprofen, and Neosporin in case one of the boys got hurt. I really had it for myself, since I was clumsy, but it could be used for them as well. I retrieved Kazuto's phone and wallet, then went back to the living room to turn off the tv. Once I was done, I met Kazuto back at the door.

"You ready? I've gotta go get my phone and wallet, hold on.", he said. 

"I have them. They're in my purse.", I said. 

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