Be Prepared

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Warning. You really are not going to like me after this chapter, but it gets better, I promise!


Asuna's p.o.v.

I opened my eyes in the middle of the night with my stomach doing flips. I got up and ran to the bathroom and threw up all of my supper into the toilet. It wasn't 30 seconds before Kazuto came running to help me. He held my hair back while I emptied my stomach of everything. I thought I'd thrown up things I'd never eaten before.

When I finally stopped dry heaving into the toilet, I sat down in the floor with my back against the bathtub. Kazuto went to retrieve the rag that he'd put on my forehead earlier. He came back with it in his hands, then rinsed it off in the sink and wrung it out. He pulled my hair aside and put it across the back of my neck. 

"Are you alright to come back to bed?", he asked. 

I nodded and slowly tried to get up. Kazuto helped me to the bedroom. My body was achy and sensitive to everything. I felt horrible and cold. 

Kazuto helped me into bed, then went to clean up in the bathroom. When he came back, he got back in bed and covered up. I was freezing, so I cuddled up next to him. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close. 

I finally fell back asleep in his arms, only to wake up a few more times during the night to dry wretch. When I finally got back to bed and went to sleep for the last time, it was almost four in the morning. 


My eyes fluttered open. The windows were letting in a ton of sunlight. I sat up and looked around. I felt loads better now, but I didn't want to push my luck. I looked over to Kazuto's side of the bed. It was empty. There was a small note on his pillow, which I picked up and read.

Mrs. Kirigaya,

I have to go to work in order for us to be able ti live, but rest assured that I'll be home around lunch. I left you some ginger ale on the nightstand, and there are gingersnaps in the pantry. I rented you a couple of movies so that you don't get bored. They're on the television in the living room. 

I hope that you feel better really soon. I will come home at lunch and make you some chicken noodle soup. Then, we can sit back and relax for the rest of the day. 

I love you so much and I can't wait to see you again. Take care of yourself and REST! 

Yours forever,


 I read those words and smiled. I put the note back down and grabbed the glass off my nightstand. It was still cold. I took a small sip and felt relief as I finally had something, even if it was small, in my stomach. Before long, I had gulped down the entire glass. I threw the covers aside and took my glass to the kitchen to refill it and get some breakfast. 

On the counter, Kazuto had left a plate with foil over it. It had a little sticky note on it that said 'Eat up, my sweet' and had a funny little creepy face of a witch on it. I laughed and put the note aside, lifting up the foil. Underneath, there was an egg, bacon, and potato breakfast burrito. I put the plate in the microwave and waited for it to come out. 


After I'd eaten, I sat on the couch with my book and read for a while. I was halfway through the last chapter when I heard a knock at the door. I got up and made sure I was decent, then opened the door. Josh stood there with a tupperware container in his hands. 

"Hey, kiddo. Your husband told me that you were sick today, so i thought I'd bring you over some of my wife's soup. It has rice, pumpkin, and honey, but it is some of the best stuff you will ever eat.", he said, handing me the container. 

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