chapter 1

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Cassie's POV: "our mom wait what" Tawshia said and we were both clearly very confused. "But I thought you died" I said and the woman looked like she was uncomfortable. "Look you left us for 13 years in that orphanage and now they are our parents and you're not" I said because I was upset. Ya I always wanted to meet her but I had realized she was alive and she clearly didn't even care about us. "Girls look its just that I didn't have enough money to raise you" she said but me and Tawshia wouldn't even look at her. "What about dad" Tawshia asked her. "Sperm donor" she said and that made me really upset. "Wow so you don't even know who he is" I said and I shut the door. "I hate her" I said and me and Tawshia ran to our room. I can't believe this is really happening why would someone do this. "Girls open up" Dahvie yelled through the door. "Did you know" I screamed back at them. "Only for about a couple days" Jayy answered and me and Tawshia just looked at each other and then the window. We both climbed out of the window and decided to run to the park. We were both so angry I just wanted to scream on the top of my lung. I also wanted to cry and kill a person. "Let it out" I hear Landon say and I turned around. "Why are you guys here" Tawshia asked this disgustedly. "We saw you run out" Drake answered and Landon looked back at me again. "Let it out" he said again and I screamed on the top of my lungs. "Now people probably think there was just a murder" Drake said and he laughed. "This isn't funny" Tawshia said and she punched him in the arm.

"Come on babe calm down" Landon said and I shot him a dirty glare. "Never tell a girl to call down" I said and I kicked him. "Leave us alone" Tawshia said and we walked away from them. "We know you don't want to be alone" Landon said and he grabbed my arm to make me stop. "That's why me and her are together" Tawshia said and Landon tightened his grip on me. He pulled me into a hug and I quickly pushed him away and we ran off. The guys kept chasing us but we didn't care we were going to go until they gave up, even if it means us getting lost. We kept running and eventually when I looked back they were gone so we stopped to catch our breath. "Where are we" Tawshia asked and I looked around and there was nothing around us. "I have no idea" I said and we started walking back. "I don't want to be stuck in the middle of nowhere when it gets dark" I said and we tried to retrace our steps which was difficult since we were just running before and paid literally no attention at all to where we were. It felt like hours but we finally made our way back to the park. I checked the time on my phone and it was 5:22 wow already. We'd have to go back for supper eventually because I didn't want to sleep in a random strangers house or outside and I'm guessing neither did Tawshia. We sat down on the swings and I just stared into space for a little bit. I'm trying to figure out if this is real or not. All I know is that if this a dream I want to wake up right now. I'd rather have my mother dead then have my mother abandon me and my sister.

I knew Dahvie and Jayy had a concert tonight but I wasn't sure if I wanted to go to it or not, it wasn't really their faults really. "What times the concert" I texted Jayy. "We're already there sorry be home around eleven" he texted back and me and Tawshia decided to go back now since they were gone including Landon and Drake. "What should we do" I asked Tawshia because I was extremely bored. "I don't know" she answered and we just sat on the couch and watched SpongeBob for a little bit. "What time is it" I asked her and she took out her phone. "9:22" she said and put her phone away. "Ok do you want to order some pizza" I asked her and she shook her head yes. I called Pizza Hut and ordered a pizza and a cookie thing and waited for it get here. When they got here we gave them their money and we ate. We put all of the extra pizza in the fridge for the guys when they got back and I made sure to text them and tell them we had some.

Dahvie's POV: we ran onto the stage and it looked like a bunch of people were confused and I knew why. The girls have never missed one concert in the whole six months that they've been here. When we sang bewitched it was kinda weird because nobody sang the girl part well me and Jayy did together because we couldn't just skip over it. That was always their song to sing though and it broke my heart since I knew how angry they were with us. They would be way more upset once they figured out what Jayy had to tell them later.

Cassie's POV: The guys got home and they heated up their pizza and they hurried and ate like wild animals it was kinda disgusting to watch. They acted as if they haven't ate in years or they just wanted to disgust us but I doubt that. "Cassie, Tawshia I need to tell you girls something" Jayy said after everyone was done and he looked like he was nervous to tell us the news. "I.....I'm your sperm donor..."

Sorry for the short chapter peace out girl/boy scouts

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