Journal entry

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Journal entry one:

I don't know what to do...I know I wasn't dreaming. But they were. Today...I don't know what really happened I just...I entered someone's dream. If I didn't know any better I would have thought of it to be a dream myself. But it wasn't it was to really happened. I...i got really angry and just..I don't remember. All I remember is entering my mothers dream. I'm not crazy...I'm not fucking crazy.

Journal entry 34:

Test subject: My older sister, Payton.

What happened: My sister was asleep last night. I walked up to her and put my palm on her head, careful not to wake her up. I decided I would call this, dream ability as that is what it is, an ability to enter someone's dream.

I mumbled the words enter and it didn't work...again. Maybe I was dreaming when I did this. I don't remember anymore..I think I'm going crazy, I have dream ability I'm not crazy. Or am I? I don't know anymore. It felt to real to be a dream but to fake to be a reality. I just want answers.

Journal entry:167

I did it! I mastered dream ability! Okay no that's not true. But I did it on comand! I should have tested it again...but I was to excited! I knew it was real...I knew I wasn't going crazy. Remember entry 54, when I told you I told my only friend Tyler about it. And he said I was going crazy, then ended up becoming another one of my many bullies. Well I'm not crazy I know this now. Because it works, dream ability is real, and I did it.

Test subject: Amber smith. My older sisters best friend. She came over tonight.

What happened: So journal here's what happened. I found my sister, you know her, Payton, and her friend asleep. I crept into their room, I made my way to amber. I looked up and down from her. She looked beautiful, I couldn't help but wonder what she was dreaming about.

I put my hand out, but pulled it back. I started to feel something emerge from it. I looked over to see a swirling ball of energy. It radiated a small blue light, but made no sound. I closed my eyes and placed the ball of energy onto her forehead, and pressed down gently.

I kept going and the energy went through her head and I think into her brain. I don't really know, but it worked.

How I don't know! Last time when I accidentally did dream ability I didn't use the energy,I don't think, but after 154 test, this is the first one to be successful.

The energy went into her brain, and I felt a wave of pain wash over me. One I don't think I felt last time. But when my eyes fluttered open, I was in a place I didn't recognize.

I glanced around seeing I was in a huge forest. My eyes kept looking around and an empty forest was all I saw.

Until I saw amber, beautiful amber smith, being chased. I looked to see a man, wearing a baggy white jacket. Although the jacket was covered in...blood?

Amber turned and saw me. Her eyes rushed open and she sprinted at me. The man did the same. When he turned I saw jet black hair covering his eyes. And a huge fake smile. was carved into his face. My stomach churned at the sight.

Question: in the dream, can I control anything?

I thought this as amber ran behind me and held onto my back yelling.

The killer kept running at me, a clear blood lust in his eyes. I closed my eyes and thought really hard. When I opened then the whole world was frozen. No, just the killer. Amber looked at me with tears still in her eyes. I pointed a finger at the killer and thought to myself. Explode.

Almost on command the killer exploded into a million little chunks of flesh and blood.

Question: Can I wake people up from inside their own dreams?

I turned at her,"Wake" I commanded her. At first she looked at me funny then started hugging me and telling me I was amazing for saving her. "Wake" I told her again. I felt the world shaking violently. Then another wave of pain.

When my eyes opened I was infront of amber, and she had woken up. Her eyes looked at me with fear in them.

"Amber are you okay? I heard you panting loudly I came in her to check on you" I quickly lied. The fear in her eyes grew, and she pulled me into a tight hug.

Journal you know I've had a crush on her for a while. I'm 14, and she's 15 turning 16. I've known her since I was 13, and have liked her for a very long time. As soon as she did this, my face automatically turned 100 different shades of red.

I smiled and embraced the hug. "Amber what's wrong? What happened?" I asked her softly, still holding her close to me. She sighed and let me out of the hug.

"Bad dream...I'm really happy to see you though" She told me planting a small kiss on My cheek.

"Is there anything I can do for you?" She shook her head no, and I left her in the room, with my sleeping sister.

This is probably the best day I've had Over this last year. Depression really sucks...being bullied everyday of my life is horrible. But this, learning your not mentally insane and the one thing you've been clinging to is actually real, is probably the greatest relief I could've ever gotten.

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