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C H A P T E R   1

No matter what age you are you won't rid yourself of me... 

I look at Christofer, his cold green eyes were piercing into mine and a creepy smile played on his narrow lips. At my age having an imaginary friend was not normal but for the past few years I had been alone most times pushing me to feel lost and making me feel the need of at least some sort of friendship. "Well, I guess you're right," I look down defeated.

"You know the first day of school has always been the most important day for me. So please do not follow me" I answer hoping that he wouldn't show himself in the middle of a discussion between me and a group of other teens. Who said I was the one going to follow you? He sneered.

Christofer, Christofer Williams is the name he gave to me when I was younger. I like him but sometimes he becomes sinister. I have always been abnormal according to my surroundings, making me unlovable, or so I thought. Therefore, my sole friend was a boy I made up, a boy that was just as mysterious as I seemed to be to strangers. 

As a child I was fully aware of the concept of an imaginary friend so instead of saying to my parents that I had a new friend while showing the wall I went straight to my parents saying that from now on I will be talking to an imaginary friend, but they didn't need to panic because I've already asked him if he died before and he said no so he isn't a ghost. He looks at me with a grin that reminded me of his sinister mind. "Don't you dare do anything!"

I take my school bag and then run to the kitchen. I grab a cup of orange juice that I swallow in less than a second. I then leave the house. My emotionless face showed to the world that I didn't like the idea of early morning social gatherings. 

 "What a waste of time. Waking up so early in the morning to then learn things that will never appear again in real life." It was Christopher's voice; he wasn't the one talking but I could read his thoughts. The intelligent girl that I have been all my life has never been interested in this whatsoever management school that was destined to be my first choice University. 

I never showed any interest in this, but I felt crushed by my parents wants. My life had been mapped out for me since birth, I was going to work at my parents' business after my university graduation. 

A work that deep inside, where my small heart stays, made me sick. Despite having never showed this lack of interest to anyone Christofer knew from the very beginning that I was not interested. It was so unexpected from him, the most selfish guy in the world, knowing about my interests. I will always remember these words he said in such a tender way after I got bullied for saying that I wanted to be something else, maybe a writer. 

"When robots will take over the world, humans will never get a chance to know who Little Red Riding Hood was. See Isabelle, I can't help you much but what I can say is that there will be no love into this work your parents are asking you to do. If you follow your dream, then you will help others follow theirs by telling them stories. This is how we all start our lives into the harsh world of an adult, we read to dream." And this is how I met Christofer. 

Four sentences to start a new friendship between two people. I was 5 years old when I met that friend, 5 years old when I started this friendship. Christofer... The only person to ever make me smile.

I'm french so my English isn't perfect but I'll still try to make it perfect. I'm writing in italics when Christofer speaks because he's not real so basically nobody else can hear him except Isabelle.

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edit 2 years later - Jesus looking back I cringe way too much but here is the first rework of this book. I hope the improvements please some. Please do pm or comment if you see mistakes, I'm not patient and not a big fan of editing. 


Welp kids I gotta admit I'm kinda embarrassed. Some mistakes make me want to bang my head on a wall so that's that. ANYWAYS, I hope this is the last edit cuz god Is this book taking a long time to finish. 


2021 final edition

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