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What on earth were you thinking? He screams at me while pushing me to the wall angrily. His arm on my neck I couldn't move. 

"I don't know" I could feel my heart beating faster than ever. A long silence passes as he looks at me in the most horrible way ever. How can you be so stupid! They could have done horrible things to you! Or even worst KILL YOU! I don't dare look at him. 

His fast breathing and his burning hands explained everything, he was angry, really angry. His hands were now pulling my arms to the wall. At this moment, I realized how strong he was. I tried to act normal like I wasn't scared, but I was already crying. I trembled badly and my cheeks turned all red from the crying. I thanked the Lord for letting me have the courage to say "thank you" because if I didn't my head would already be missing. 

My heart going from normal speed to the fastest runner in the world made my whole body feel like it weighed 100 kg now. Seeing me cry suddenly stopped him from screaming. As he goes back to leave my small body fall on the floor miserably, he says something that made my heart stop for at least 2 seconds. I don't want you to be hurt. I know what it is to live misery after such a simple thing. 

"Wait what do you mean by I know what it is to live misery? You've never been real! Or at least that's what you told me..." Still looking at him in the most confused way possible. I approach him slowly waiting for an answer. Suddenly I hear my dad's loud voice screaming my name from upstairs. As I walk to him, he grabs my arm violently to pull me to the sofa. "Our neighbours just called I heard that you were attacked but you escaped luckily. Explain this to me NOW!" "Well... some guys attacked me it's true..." 

I say putting my head down. Being attacked by three different guys is quite of an adventure especially when your me. To be honest I'm quite surprised about my body still being alive after all that. "We'll talk about this later but right now I want you to stay in your room" He then grabs his phone on the sofa and starts calling my mother. 

I feel like someone's in trouble. My heart was now officially destroyed. I let a long desperate sigh pass through the whole room. 

 "Yep, I'm dead," I sigh

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