Page 13

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"ISY! WE'RE HOME!" I get out of the bed, probably my best friend by now because I stayed on it all day, I shouldn't have touched to this phone, it's dangerous, or addictive if that's what you prefer. "YEP COMING" I shout back lazily. 

The thing I called force was gone now or if it's still here I can't feel it anymore. I run downstairs to my parents, I thought that they'll be home later than that, it's not even 7 p.m. yet. "We received a call from our neighbours they seen you outside again being attacked by those boys again" I look at them my eyes getting wider than ever like they were the ones that attacked me. 

"WHAT???! That never happened" I shout. "Don't lie to us we know that you are being bullied now, it's ok we will change you to a new school if you want. We have some ideas already" I'm so shocked by what they said that my only reaction was to stand there like an idiot.

"We know what it is, we know how hard it is to say that you are getting bullied, but it's ok we'll find something to help you out," My mother says with a slight smile like a social worker. "No, it's ok, I think you misunderstood, I'm not bullied, I mean those peoples attacked me once only not twice, I think our neighbour had hallucinations" 

I answer calmly to my parents, thinking they got crazy. "Ta ta ta no discussions dear we know the truth now" I can't believe these people are my parents. Why do they even bother being like that, I'm a teenager now I don't need to be protected, and certainly NOT when there is no reason to protect me. I couldn't answer to them, my dad was there, and if I have the idea of answering back my head would probably be missing. I looked at them and agreed with a fake smile going back to my room. What next? "NO SCHOOL TOMORROW" GREAT my day is now official ruined. I slammed the door angrily and screamed my head in the cushion.

"I HATE PROTECTIVE PARENTS" I then look back down, that book was still there, lying on the floor, I look at it for quite a while thinking that now my day was already horrible so why shouldn't I have a look at it again? It seems to be asking to be read. I then shocked my head "no no no this book is from the devil, I'm sure it's going to possess me or something like that" I say while taking it to the bin. I never thought that one day I would hate a book so much. Just like my imaginary friend... I looked at the wall and started to feel warm tears flowing down my cheeks. I started to miss Christofer, he's my best friend after all, he isn't real but at least he's loyal, or at least he was. 

 "don't cry, don't cry" I repeat while starting to hallucinate, he was everywhere, when I looked in the mirror, the drawers, my bookshelf, even next to me on my bed. I hate that feeling, I never had it before, probably because I've never had any friends before, I don't know. What I do know is that my floor was very wet because of how much I cried. "I miss you, Christofer..." I say while slowly falling asleep in my cry. 


Come on Chris find her ! She needs you ! (sorry but I'm so into the story right now) So I don't have much to say, except that I've done a facebook page, Constance Matthews is the name if you have any questions, or you just wanna know what's going on, so yeah that pretty much it. Vote comment and blah blah blah... Hope you liked it !

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