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We lay my love and I, beneath the weeping willow... But now alone I lie and weep beside the three... 

As we walked through the woods Christofer kept singing this creepy song repeatedly. It may be terrifying for some people but for me, it was something very usual and strangely pleasing. Oh, willow I die, Oh willow I die.... We then stop at some point in the forest where an abandoned bench stayed. He slowly turns around as I sit on the wooden bench. I never understood how this bench arrived here but to the few people that walked through there it was a great discovery. Are you tired? I look up to where the coldness of his eyes reigned "Not really but I just want to sit here I like this place" I lie. 

I hate showing weakness I had always thought that there was something going weirdly in his mind. Oh well, I guess we can stay for a while. The tone of his voice had me intrigued, it was way too calm. "Don't you like it here?" I ask already guessing that he would want to say no. It's wonderful but I prefer "La cabane Perdue" (the lost cabin) His smile going wilder froze my terrified body. He was now looking at me, his eyes straight forward looking into mine made me uncomfortable exactly like what happened with Madeline. "Oh no! We are not going there!" I say standing up with both of my hands holding together like a lost princess. 

Oh yes, we are... "Pas question (no way!) I order. If there is one thing that I hated about Christofer was how scary he likes to be, and this house is the best place for having nightmares. It is said that 100 or more years ago a French family came to live here and when they arrived in the house strange things started to happen. It came out that the house had demons inside. I knew these stories were mostly children's tales but like most people any abandoned place looked scary, especially when it had been through so much historically. An exorcism was made a few years ago but people say that they still see children in old fashioned clothes around the place. Ok, you win he says sitting on the grass looking quite sad and disappointed.

I think that he changed his mind because of how scared I looked. To others he must sound like someone you would not like to hang with, but he does know what it is to be scared and respects my fears. I must admit that I am not a very courageous type of person. I looked at him for a while, I knew that he wasn't going to smile until he gets what he wants. Just like me... Knowing that he really wanted to go and that he was my only friend I sat next to him smiling the best I could "Oh well maybe today we can..." I say nicely and calmly. Ah! Why am I so nice to him? Why do I take stupid decisions?


Firstly, I want to apologize. I am very late on my update so sorry everyone. I was planning on finishing chapter 5 like 2 days ago. I hope you aren't too angry at me because I am at myself. Anyway, vote comment and I hope you liked this chapter.

 If you wonder why I wrote some stuff in french it's because of the story (you know the french family thing ?) It just came up to my mind like that so I wrote that. If it annoys you please tell me.


I kinda forgot about this XD 

Infinite Wordsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें