“I didn’t do it!” He shrieked innocently and everyone burst out laughing.

“Benny,” I repeated, a smile still playing on my lips, “Your mum called me this morning,” I smiled at him and a massive smile formed on his face,

“And,” He edged me to continue.

“She wants me to go over to England for a while and do a photo shoot that is coming up for her for an aspiring band that is on the rise. It’s just for a couple of weeks and it’d be a great opportunity for me but I can’t take Cole and Daniella.” I pouted at the thought of leaving them here while I go away, I’d be constantly worrying about them and if they are safe or something.

It’d been two months since Benny had suggested to me that he send those photos to his mum that night. Life had gone on as usual; me looking after the twins with Jodie and fitting in online classes for school that just told me the briefing of what they did in each subject that day. It was pretty boring but it kept my grades up to the standard because I still did the tests and most of the assignments they set out, missing some of the few smaller, less significant ones. All that time I had been worrying, biting my nails off in anxiety to what Shanae would say. Most of the time I’d be too distracted with Cole and Daniella but when it was naptime for them, it was worry-time for me.

I hadn’t bothered to call Drake and he hasn’t called me. Ryan decided to go back to Wellington to help Drake and he promised not to tell him about Cole and Daniella. I didn’t really want Drake to know and Ryan kept pressuring me into letting him tell Drake, saying it’ll give him more reasons to call me and make amends with the crew. The crew was hit hard when Drake dropped out but we’re doing fine without him. It isn’t like he didn’t do anything in the crew but we can still manage to do gigs and random busking and street comps without him.

“Really? That’s awesome Dez!” Samson congratulated me and hugged me tightly. He kissed my cheek and the crew all surrounded me, hugging me in a massive group hug that just basically was everyone huddled in a massive group, just hugging everyone or who ever we could get our arms on. It was crazy but I loved it.

“So when do you leave?” McKay asked when we all went back to eating breakfast or what ever we were doing before.

“I’m not sure yet, Shanae is going to get back to me today or tomorrow.” I replied, “It’s not like I’m moving there or anything.” I grabbed some bread and put it in the toaster, pushing down the tab to cook it.

“Can I come with you? It’d be like a holiday for me and I need to get away for a while and see my mum,” Benny asked excitedly.

“Sure, why not,” I replied and got out a plate to put my toast on. Benny made a sound of excitement and continued eating his toast. A couple of guys chuckled at him but kept on doing what they were doing. I got my toast out of the toaster and quickly ate it.

Now I just had to wait for Shanae to call me back.


It was around five in the afternoon when she finally called me back. I’d been waiting on it all day and sighed with relief when my phone rang, showing Shanae’s number, which she’d allowed for me to put it my phone.

“Hello?” I answered the phone, trying hard to keep in the excitement.

”Dez, it’s me. Now I need your email to send you the details and tickets and everything. Benny sent me a text saying that he wants to come over and I booked two tickets for you both. Now the flight is tomorrow. I hope that isn’t too early for you?” She asked.

“No, no it’s fine,” I quickly replied, letting some of the excitement out. I smiled from ear to ear and I went to sit on the bed where Daniella was laying. She had a cute pink beanie on that was falling off a little and I pulled it back on gently.

“Good, okay so what’s you email?” She asked.

“Dez Smith lol potatoes at hotmail dot com.” I replied. (It’s not actually an email address =D)

“Okay,” I heard some keys clicking in the background, “I just sent it through so you just have to print it out, pack and get your ass to the airport on time,” I laughed and looked down at Daniella with adoration because she was gripping my finger tightly as if she didn’t want me to go, “I’ll see you tomorrow at the airport, I will come to pick you guys up,” I could hear the smile in her voice and couldn’t help but smile as well,

“Okay then, bye.” I hung up and threw my phone on my bed, picking up Daniella tightly and brought her down stairs to where McKay was playing with Cole and trying to make him role over. I just laughed and sat down on the computer chair that was placed in front of the desktop Mac computer in the lounge room.

I logged onto my emails and sure enough, there was an email from Shanae. I opened up one of the attachments and printed off the four plane tickets, to and from London. I opened the next and it had all the details for the hotel. I printed them out too and folded it up. I went to the safe in Jodie and Samson’s room, they were still on their honeymoon because they decided to stay a couple of more weeks, and put in the correct code. I heard the click of it unlocking and grabbed mine and Benny’s passports; do doubt he’d forget his. I put the folded paper containing our hotel details and plane tickets in a small bag and put on my bed. I rested Daniella on the bed and went to pack my stuff.

After getting dressed in a loose top and denim short shorts, brushing my teeth and putting my hair up in a messy bun on the top of my head, I got out my two massive lime green suitcase. It was awesome and I loved it because like no one had the same one so it was easy to pick out at the airport. I grabbed heaps of random clothes that I liked and shoved them in the suitcase. I was going for three weeks and I think I’m going to die with out my babies. I sighed and looked at Daniella. She was such a beautiful baby. I’m not trying to sound stuck up or anything but I truly loved her with all my heart and even if Drake did break it once, I wouldn’t regret ever keeping my son and daughter.

I finished packing all my stuff when my phone notified me that I had a new text message. I opened the message and it was from Shanae, saying that she was too desperate and wanted me to bring Cole and Daniella and one more person. I smiled and did a little cheer. Daniella made some sounds and started to whine. I sighed and walked over to her, picking her up and bringing her outside onto the soft grass that covered our vast backyard. I walked into the middle of the long, lush green grass and lie down on my back, Daniella lying on my chest. The sun kissed my skin and the gently breeze kept me cool enough to not over heat.

I must have fallen asleep because I woke up to the sound of people laughing and the squeak of the huge trampoline’s springs. I woke up to find Daniella drooling on my shirt and everyone on the trampoline, jumping up and down really high. I laughed because Lee-Lee was holding Cole securely in his arms. I was a bit worried at first but when I saw the happy look on Coles face and how careful they were being, I got over it. Nat and Courtney were on the trampoline, too, jumping around and doing flips. They would all jump and sit down at the same time, one or more people would get double bounced and end up flying all over the place. Thankfully, Lee-Lee and Cole sat out for that one. When we moved into the house, we’d gotten a massive hole dug into the ground so the trampoline was level with the ground. It’s really useful for the babies so they can’t fall off. I got up and laughed when Josh got bounced really high and landed on the grass. He groaned but got up straightaway, ignoring the pain, and getting back on to do it again. Everyone was pissing themselves laughed but kept going.

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