Your Best Friend

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Your best friend is John. You and John get along great, which is lucky for Sherlock because he doesn't know what he'd do if his two favorite people didn't like each other. Unfortunately, you two seemed to have bonded over gossiping about Sherlock when you think he can't hear you. Whenever he makes deductions or says things you don't particularly understand, you two will share a fond but confused look. He once came home from a case to find you and John sitting in the armchairs and talking about how he forgot your date. When you saw him, you stood up and announced that you would now be going on said date with John. Obviously, that didn't happen because John was giggling too much and Sherlock looked absolutely heartbroken.


Your best friend was Greg. More often then not, you get dragged onto a case on the nights you and John are supposed to go out. Not that you mind. It gives you a close look for your newspaper article. Greg, of course, is there and you two will be outsiders to John and Sherlock's dynamic. Talks between you started about the case and then would dissolve into Sherlock and John until he's telling you about how Sherlock deduced his cheating wife and you're telling him that Sherlock's tried every way he could think of (yes, including saying that he and John were an item) to get rid of you. Eventually, his laughing at the stories would make Sherlock tell you to shut up.


Your best friend is Molly. You first met when Jim was playing "Jim from IT" when you went to see him and he passed you off as just a friend (conversation afterwards will be in first fight when it's posted). You thought her sense of humor was a bit off but no more off then Jim's entire personality so you became friends quickly. You never bothered to correct her after she "broke up" with Jim but she kind of knew. You two would go out constantly much to Jim's annoyance but when he tried to get you to stop, you reminded him that he had dated her. No arguments worked after that and you and Molly remained great friends.


Your best friend is "Anthea". You still don't know her real name but you and she seem to get along well. At first, she was a bit cold but she's warmed up to you, pleased that you make her boss happy. You and her text constantly and it's gotten to the point where Mycroft has to ask you to stop distracting his PA. Never works. Whenever you meet Mycroft at his office and she's there, you two will end up giggling together in a very unprofessional way. Mycroft would try to stop it but he finds the display amusing.


Your best friend is Sherlock. He has no idea why you find Sherlock's company so enjoyable but he's glad that you get along nonetheless. Sherlock used to not like you, thinking you were going to make fun of him like Anderson and Donovan, but he soon found your presence tolerable. Eventually, he warmed up to you and you had halfway decent conversations. He even threatened Greg if he hurt you. You constantly go with Greg to crime scenes if Sherlock's going to be there and he'll explain more things to you then to the police, merely because you've learned to ask the right questions.

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