Chapter 13 "forgiven"

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Harry: "yes i know. i know yn but i want more than that"
gw ga tau mau ngomong apa gw bingung. gw takut hal kaya kemaren terjadi lagi gw takut dia bakal ancurin hati gw:(
tapi akhirnya setelah gw pikir pikir lagi kenapa engga? dia yang selalu ada buat gw saat ini, yang selalu belain gw, bikin gw ketawa, take care of my self even gw sendiri males ngurusin diri gw sendiri dan gw tau sifat harry itu gimana soalnya dia bf gw dari kecil kan
Me: "okayy harry okayy we can try(:" kt gw senyum dan harry keliatan kaget
Harry: "omg really? thank you. thank you so much!" kt dia ngapus air mata gw dan meluk gw lagi.

-Harry's prof-

the moment when she said yesh. Tottaly amazing i cant believe she said yesh! i can see in her beautiful eyes. she's try to love me, she love me before but as bestfriend and now i think this love turn to real love. gw bakal buat dia happy dengan hidupnya yang sekarang sama gw. gw sama yn lanjutin nonton dan take some photos with polaroid the best night ever!
Hari hari berlalu, its only took her 2 weeks to love me! She love me as much as i love her now. Gezzzz i love her

-Yn's prof-


udah 2 bulan ini gw sama harry pacaran. sekarang gw lagi duduk di studio lagi mau rekaman lagu yang harry kasih buat gw judulnya "just a little bit of your heart" harry bikin lagu ini terinspirasi sama gw, sebenernya dia bikin lagu ini udah lama tapi baru bisa ngasih sekarang.
harry have fix all problem in my life. akhirnya gw ga akan jadi berenti dari dunia karir gw. Me and 1D have a contract for charity red nose. we are go to africa and i cry so much. i have seen people sick, they're dying they need medicine and i pray for the broken hearted, i pray for all the ones not breathing, i pray for every single souls. i have learned from that, dont ever ever complain for what you have in life, be greatfull, god always there for you. Dan gw baru liat harry nangis sampe segininya he cry so so so so much, you know lah yahhh dia itu cepet banget nangis soal hal hal kaya gini, he have a wonderfull beautiful heart that's why i love him terus dia ngajak main dan ngehibur anak anak yang sehat disana. and than i see louis he cry too, for the first time i see that tears fall in his cheeks, he just sit there and cry. mungkin dia lagi menyesali apa yang terjadi di hidup dia.


di studio pas gw lagi baca baca lyric harry lagi keluar buat beliin gw makanan tiba tiba louis duduk di sebelah gw
Louis: "hallo"
Me: "hi" kt gw ga ngelirik dia sama sekali terus makan jellybean
Louis: "its been a long time we didnt talk to each other"
Me: "yeah yeahh right" kt gw ngangguk kecil masih baca lyric gaperduli
Louis: "heyy hey listen i know you must hate me right? but would you forgive me? im so disappointed at my self. i hate my self. you see when we're in africa. i really hate my self i just relize what all i did this time is wrong. please forgive me?" kt louis megang tangan gw tapi gw lepasin lagi
Me: "ofc i hate you loui how thought you can be like that? how about the baby huh? Well i dont want to be a bad person so yesh i forgive you"
Louis: "its not my baby not my blood, briana have cheated on me with my bestfriend oli. yesh i fuck briana so many time but believe me its not my baby when i go to the doctor to check the DNA dan hasilnya itu bukan bayi aku makasih udah mau maafin aku, aku nyesel sama apa yang aku lakuin maafin aku sekali lagi" kt louis meluk gw, dan gw diem gameluk dia lagi, omg i miss this hug but its not comfortable as harry's hug
Me: "ugghh its in the past louis its okay its okay" kt gw nepuk punggungnya, pelukan yang awkward banget
Louis: "its just i miss you, i miss us, i miss all the little things you do to me i need that moment back i still love you so much" kt louis meluk gw sambil nangis, omg dia nangis dipelukan gw, gw lepas pelukannya
Me: "omg louis dont need to cry, but im so sorry i have to say that i have harry now and he's better than anyone he is my one and only love in my heart and my life. he have fixed my heart you broke louis. im sorry"
Louis: "yn please i love you" tiba tiba harry dateng
Harry: "not again louis uhhhhhh brooo.... please dont ever take her from me again its enough she is my world my breath. you take her? than you take my life please......" tbtb harry ngomong gitu, dia pikir gw masih sayang sama louis jadi dia takut pas louis bilang gitu ke gw, dan gw mau balik lagi sama louis dan ninggalin harry, segitu bodohnya gw sampe harry mikir gitu wkwkwk
Me: "No.... hey harry baby listen he's not trying to make me back with him, he just wanted to say sorry right louis? we just want to make it right. i love you anyway harry(:" kt gw bohong padahal tadi jelas jelas louis mau gw balik lagi sama dia. terus gw meluk harry dan harry cium kening gw, terus louis nutupin mukannya dan nunduk he crying again
Louis: "yeah yeahhh yn is right.....ummm we just.... yeahh we just ummm..... make it all right umm.....i just wanted to say sorry to yn and you so um..... i have to go... yeahh bye... umm and i hope you can make yn more happier than i do....okay bye....and ummmm thank you harry take care of......her" kt louis yang berdiri sambil nangis terus keluar pintu.
kenapa dia ga kaya gitu dari dulu?

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