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A/n: So Annie was born on august 24 so basically eight months after Jensen's character Dean Winchester and they celebrate with a special episode.

We have shooting on my birthday. Yay! Note my sarcasm. I was upset cause Ray and Kaity didn't even give me a happy birthday when I got to set.

I mean they're my best friends and they didn't even remember my birthday!

Rayahs POV:

Annie's pissed at Kaity and I. How do I know? Because she's not goofing around while shooting scenes like she normally does.

I mean Kaity and I are planning a surprise party for her so I can't exactly wish her a happy birthday until then.

God I feel so evil not saying anything to her. "Kat can I please wish her a happy birthday at least?" I whined.

Kaity straightened her top for her costume (above) and looked at me. "No! She can't find out in anyway shape or form!" Kaity said determinedly.

I groaned and plopped onto the couch sliding down causing the shirt for my costume (above) to ride up.

"Hey guys!" Annie said walking into our trailer her hair and makeup done exactly like ours and had on her costume (above).

She seemed like her happiness was forced. Good thing we were doing an episode based on her and her history. How she came to be and all that.

Annie literally looked like Danneel only with darker hair and bright green eyes. Danneel was being starred in the show for this episode as her older sister that hates Dean's guts.

This should be interesting to see Danneel and Jensen have to fight a lot.


"Alright guys let's get this done." Rob said as we finished our take on the first scene. It was already 3 in the afternoon and it was only the first scene!

Annie seemed to get happier as the day went on and ended up making me laugh so hard I spewed the drink I was drinking in the scene out all over her and Danneel.

"Ray! Now I have to go back to make up and hair!" Annie whined and I just continued to laugh and she smiled unable to stay mad at me. As usual.

"Leah how could you think about your own father like that! He's a good man! He kept me alive this long and you're gonna come and take me away from him?" Annie yelled saying her line.

"Miki calm down. Dean won't let her take you away from him or the rest of us." I said saying my line. It was weird calling Annie Miki or McKayla. It just didn't feel right to call my best friend that.

"Calm down!? You want me to fucking calm down when my sister is threatening to kill my dad and then take me away from you and Grace along with Sam and Cas!?" She literally looked super pissed.

I backed up like I was supposed to. Her eyes flashed black and I gasped. "You're not the McKayla Winchester I know." I said backing up even farther.

Then the scene ended.

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