Chapter 6: Do You Trust Me?

Start from the beginning

"Don't think about the 'what if's.' They will only drive you crazy," he said pulling away from me. I looked into his emerald green eyes and found reassurance.

"They'll find her," I repeated as confidently as I could.

"Yes, they will. Now why don't you go take that shower you were headed for and afterwards we can watch some flicks," Harry offered.

"Okay," I answered with a small smile.


Emma was looking past the telly, hardly paying attention to the movie playing on the screen. This is how she's been acting all afternoon. She is absolutely worried sick about Natalie and I don't blame her. I'm extremely worried myself. London is huge and not every corner of it is safe. I keep praying that Natalie will be okay when Niall and Liam find her.

But as worried as I am about her, my mind is focused on Emma and how she is handling this. I look over at her, taking in her features. The way her damp blond hair falls down her back, the way she chews on her bottom lip as her mind races with endless possible outcomes of today's events. I look at how her arms are wrapped all the way around her knees, which are pressed up against her chest. Her beautiful blue eyes are dull and lifeless... and looking at me. I feel my lungs constrict as I stop breathing.

"Harry, where do you think she could be?" she whispered in a strained voice.

I don't know what to tell Emma. I want to ease her pain but I donn't want to get her hopes up just to watch them fall. So, I tell her the truth.

"I don't know."

Emma bit her lip again and turned back to the movie. I could see her eyes begin to glisten as she fought back the tears. One of her hands slowly moved to her collar as she hung her head in defeat. Her body convulsed with the sobs that took over her.

I slid over to her end of the couch. Awkwardly wrapping an arm around her, I tried my best to provide some kind of comfort. Emma leaned into me as she continued to cry.

"Why is it always her? Why can't it be me? She doesn't deserve any of this shit!" she wailed into my chest, punching me softly a few times for effect.

"The universe works in mysterious ways. Nobody knows why things happen the way they do," I said trying to comfort her.

"But why can't I just take her place for once?! I'd rather suffer myself than watch her suffer!"

"I... I don't know, Em. There's no good answer for that question," I said as I hugged her tighter hoping that I was somehow helping even though my answers were shit.

"I can't stand this. Why... Why..." Emma tried to form another question but couldn't finish.

"Shh," I hushed her as I ran a hand through her damp hair. "Everything will be okay. Natalie will be fine."

"It's been four hours, Harry."

"Exactly, only four. It's still light out... and Niall just tweeted asking for help. There is no way Natalie could have gone unseen for four hours. Our fans will help us look for her, she won't be missing for long."

"But what if one of-"

"What did I say about 'what-ifs'?" I asked as I cradled her chin in one of my hands.

"To put them out of my mind or they will drive me crazy," Emma sniffled.

"Exactly, so since we know that we have backup now, why don't we focus on the movie, yeah?"

"Okay," she said taking a deep breath and sighing. "Harry?"

"Yeah, Em?"

"Thanks," she whispered.

"For?" I questioned.

"Letting me get that all out and telling me the truth rather than what you thought I would want to hear."

I squeezed her arm once before replying, "That's no problem, Em."

My heart soared as I felt Emma move closer to me rather than further away as we turned back to the movie that was still playing. I couldn't help the smile that formed on my lips as I watched the images dance across the screen. Nothing in the world could make me feel any happier in this moment, and nothing could knock me down. Except for when Emma jumped up and raced to the couple standing by the door an hour later.

"NATALIE! Thank god, you're okay! You are okay, right?" Emma said after she released Natalie from a bone crushing hug.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just a little cold," she smiled sweetly up at Emma.

"Then let's get you a nice warm, fuzzy blanket," Emma said as she pulled Natalie into the living room, sitting her beside me on the couch.

"Hi Harry," Natalie greeted softly.

"Hey Natalie, everything okay now?"

"Um, I think so," she replied with a small smile.

"Here you go, princess," Niall said as he knelt down in front of Natalie with a pair of his sweatpants in hand. Emma came up behind him with a large blanket. Natalie welcomed both with open arms, yanking the sweatpants up her legs and whipping the blanket around her shoulders. Her body relaxed instantly as she sunk into the couch cushions, her eyes closed and she took a deep breath.

"Do you want some tea, Nat?" I offered.

"If it's not a bother," she replied quietly.

"Not at all," I said with a gentle smile.

I stood up and made my way into Niall's kitchen. Skillfully making my way around, I found a kettle and set it on the stove once I filled it with water. I leaned against the counter beside the stove waiting for it to heat up.

I was just fixing up the cuppa for Natalie when Emma walked in, a small smile on her face.

"You were right; she made it home okay," she spoke softly as she tugged a strand of her silky blond hair behind her ear.

"And you doubted me," I teased, giving her a lopsided smirk.

"What can I say, I don't trust easily," Emma shrugged.

"Do you trust me?" I asked hopefully.

"I haven't decided yet," she replied with a thoughtful look in her eyes before she turned and walked out briskly.

"I hope that one day you will," I said to her even though she was already gone.

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