02. Welcome to San Fran

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Lydia had only been in her apartment two days and it already felt like home. Her room was decorated and arranged just the way she liked, and the rest of the place was coming around nicely. The only real curveball that had been thrown at her was Carley. Maybe it was because everything was still new, but her roommate was truly... something else. The girl with brown hair had hardly lifted a finger to help Lydia decorate their common space. That, and her boyfriend was always over. Toping it all of, he was a total asshole. Lydia wouldn't even say they were in a relationship. They were just some extremely horny people. It honestly made her feel uncomfortable to be in the apartment that was technically hers as well. Most of the time she would just hide in her room, but let's be real, Lydia could only handle so much time being cooped up in the bedroom. So when the devil himself, also known as Kyle, came knocking on their door, the strawberry blonde decided it was a good time to go grocery shopping.

Hopefully they will be done with whatever they are doing when I get back.

Grabbing her keys, she headed down to her car. It was a warm summer afternoon. Lydia was sporting her favorite jean shorts paired with a floral tank top and white converse. The sun felt warm on her skin which made her smile softly.

Summer was always her favorite season. Hopping into her car, she instantly threw her long hair into a ponytail. It was too nice out to not have the windows down.

The car started with easy and the radio came to life. Her most recent CD mix was still in its slot, as Love Me by The 1975 was the first song to come through the speakers. Lydia admired the scenery that past as she made her way to the store. This was a new city, a new world to explore.

I wish you were here to see this.

The girl thought about calling again, but it was too soon. She never left messages closer than a week apart unless it was in response to his call.

Not now Lydia, go enjoy yourself.

In that moment she decided to turn into a cute little coffee shop right down the road from the grocery store. A small treat was needed to honor the beginning of a new chapter in her life.


Cheers Lydia.



The room was quiet. It was his day off, and Stiles was taking full advantage of it.

Midafternoon had crept up out of no where, and the boy was contently still lounging around in his flannel pajama pants and white t-shirt. Zeus and him had just finished their third Star Wars movie of the day. Relaxation did not come very often for any member of the Stilinski family, so the day so far had been a real blessing.

His stomached rumbled from hunger loud enough to make the pup next to him a look.

"Come on boy, let's get some lunch."

The dog practically flew off the couch, and was instantly in front of the cabinet that held his food. Stiles couldn't help but chuckle, "Sometimes I worry you like food too much." The companion just wagged its tail as the full bowl was placed before him.

Zeus was a good thing in the Stilinski boy's life. On darker days his furry friend seemed to always sense that something was wrong. He would come lay in bed with Stiles for hours if need be. No matter what it was, or for however long it lasted, the faithful hound would stay by his human's side.

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