∞ Eight Minutes And Twenty-Three Seconds

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Note: So, this was inspired by recent Jaspar events (the end of an era) if you know what I mean... and tbh, I don't know if this even makes sense ?_?

Warnings: Sadness at first, then happy times, kissing (?) and some um, touching and stuff and swearing of course. 

  ➶ I need you to see that

        I love you and I will 

        always be here for you 

Joe sat in the middle of his living room, surrounded by empty boxes which he had unpacked long ago. He gently brushed his fingers over the intricate photo frames he had found in one of those many boxes, photo frames he had never really used in his old apartment and let's be honest, photo frames he hadn't known he actually had lying around. But that was the old apartment, this was his new chapter and he wanted his new place to be surrounded by memories of his friends and family, memories of warmth and good times. A gentle smile touched Joe's lips as he pulled apart the first frame and placed a photo inside, he locked the frame in place before turning it around.

It wasn't a photo people would normally frame but there was something about it that Joe loved. He loved how Will had captured him and Caspar mid-laugh, he loved how their bodies had just naturally gravitated towards each other as they had doubled over with laughter... it was as if it was almost normal for them to do that, it was as if that was what they had always done. The photo was slightly blurry, fuzzy around the edges but it only made Joe love it even more.

Joe stood up, absently running his fingers through his caramel-coloured hair before stepping over lopsided cardboard boxes and making his way towards the kitchen, the photo clutched firmly in his hands. He placed the frame against the dark tiling of the kitchen counter and studied it with squinted eyes. If it were up to Joe, he would place it on his bedside table, right next to his bed... but that would probably come across as a little weird. It would be weird to have a photo of one of his mates right where he slept... even though he, himself was in the picture.

Mates. Was that what we were?

The small boy stepped back slightly and his back met one of the cupboards lining the counter. Joe slumped against it gratefully, as though he needed the support before studying his living room. It was a mess, really. Nothing was in its rightful place yet but that was to be expected since Joe had only moved in last night... it would take him some time to get adjusted, it would take him some time to call the apartment 'his'... it would take him some time to get used to Caspar not being there. Joe sighed, placing his head in his hands. He had never expected this to be so, fucking difficult.

But that was what it was, difficult. It made him question everything, it made him wonder whether he had made the right decision by coming up with this whole 'moving-out' idea and sometimes, like last night, he would regret it. He would want to call Caspar right away and tell him that this had just been a huge mistake... that they had made a huge mistake but he couldn't... he couldn't do that when it had been his idea in the first place. The idea had only become a reality after he had planted the seed in Caspar's head, then after that, Caspar had just agreed without any complaints.

It had hurt a little at the time – the way that Caspar had agreed to it without even questioning it but then, that had just been a cover-up because on that Tuesday morning when Joe had said goodbye to Caspar, the younger boy had hugged him tightly, his tall frame hunched over Joe. He had told Joe that he was going to miss him, he was going to miss living with him, he was going to miss the fucking pranks even and Joe had just laughed through his tears because his own words had been clogged up in his throat, unable to get through. But what he had managed to get through were the words 'I promise' because he would do anything for Caspar and that included promising him that nothing would change between them.

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