Chapter Twenty Five: Fredrick Haven

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The next day, I made my way towards Ghost Street, with Alex and Dy not accompanying me for once.

I hadn't really told them where I was going, to tell you the truth. Alex had left me alone for a couple of minutes, and after remembering Beth's words from the party and the conversation Alex and I had, I decided to go pay her a visit alone, so that Alex wouldn't make her hold back information like he had at the party.

I suppose my new 'friend' could handle a few hours of being without Tara.

There were too many questions buzzing around in my head, and not enough answers. I'd never been good with riddles or mysteries, unlike Tris, who'd solved the crossword daily in the local newspaper. I wanted some answers, and I wanted them from a person who wouldn't hold back, like Alex did yesterday. And I knew that if there was one person in the in-between who could give me them, it was Beth. And besides, hadn't she herself asked me to pay her a visit?

How rude would I be to deny her, right?

I remembered the way Alex, Dy and I had followed last night, and soon found the sign reading Haven Street come into view. I paused, my eyes traveling over the burnt out houses and the now empty streets. On the night of the party, there had been enough people to make Ghost Street look comparatively normal, but now, with no one but me present, I suddenly realized that the street had a very apt name.

I shuddered, even though I knew that I couldn't get cold, and started walking forward, hoping to find a glimpse of the wedding dressed Victorian girl somewhere. I knew that it was stupid to feel afraid—after all, Ghost Street was haunted by people just like me, right?—but there was just something in the air, something in the ashes still blowing one way and another, that made shivers crawl up my arm.

I couldn't stop thinking about the banshee I'd seen a couple of days ago.

"Looking for someone?"

I jumped, spinning around, and found myself face-to-face with a pair of twinkling green eyes. Instinctively, I reached up to place my hand over my chest, where I knew my heart would be thudding madly, if it was there.

"Beth!" I exclaimed, and the blonde laughed. "You scared me to—" I broke off, frowning.

Beth grinned at me, looking amused. "To what?"

I rolled my eyes, but a smile tugged on the corner of my lips, giving me away. "Never mind." A pause. "And yes, I was looking for someone."

Beth raised an eyebrow. "Who?"


She grinned. "I'm glad you took up on my offer to see you, Tara. I was just thinking about paying the bridge a visit when you showed up."

"Yeah, well, I wanted to talk about a couple of things actually."

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