Chapter Three: Waking Up

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There was no pain.

That was the first thing I noticed.

The sensation-that is, the feeling of being without the pain-was so bizarre, that for a moment, I was afraid to move. I was afraid that even the tiniest bit of movement would trigger it again; and I'd be left alone, wailing and writhing in agony.

Trust me when I say it was experience I didn't ever want to repeat.

The second thing I noticed was that the atmosphere around me was unusually quiet.

Only a second ago, it seemed, that I was surrounded by shouts and screams and blaring horns. Now, though, my surroundings were so silent, there was a strange ringing in my ears, and I could almost hear the swoosh of the wind as it blew past my ears.

The third thing I noticed was that I felt unusually light.

Not I'm-a-part-of-the-light-and-the-light-is-a-part-of-me light, no. That was a different experience all together. Back then, I'd felt as though I had no substance; as though I were a part of the air itself.

Now, though, I felt as though I'd lost a hundred and fifty pounds in one day.

Yeah, that light.

I tried to get used to the feeling, but couldn't. I mean, how can you get used to feeling as though you're weighting nothing?

Weighting yourself after a month of heavy exercising and pulling weights and swimming and whatnot and finding you've lost thirty pounds is something else. You feel happy; you feel as though you're on the top of the world.

However, after going through a horrifying, hairs-standing-on-the-back-of-your-neck nightmare-at least, I hoped it was a nightmare; because if it wasn't, then I was in some seriously deep shit-and finding that you have no mass-yes, that's exactly how I felt, as though I had no mass, was like being pushed down from the same cliff you were standing on just moments ago.

I stayed still and not moving for a couple of seconds, hoping that the feel would return to my arms and legs (there was also another reason for me not moving. Yes, you guessed it right-or not-I was still afraid that if I moved an inch, the pain would return), but only accomplished in feeling more foolish and panicked than ever.

I waited for my heartbeat to accelerate and sweat to form on my forehead-I mean, that's usually what happens when you feel as though you've been seized with panic, right?-but there was nothing. No sweat glands working overtime. No heavy pounding of heart. Nothing.

It took me a moment to realize I didn't have a heartbeat, either.

I mean, you get so used to feeling the steady thump, thump, thump of your heart as it transfers blood to all your body parts; that you don't even notice it's there anymore. The only time you feel as though your heart is thumping is when, say, a really cute guy just moves in the same street in yours, or say, suddenly your crush since god-knows-when kisses you and tells you he's been in love with you since, like, forever. Or maybe when you've participated in a marathon and are just about to win, and an idiot comes out of nowhere and is running right next to you; or probably when you come back home from a walk and are sure that you've locked the door, but find it hanging slightly ajar.

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