Steps (3)

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At the address...

Amanda, Nick, Olivia, and Finn walked in the house. Their steps was barely heard. They checked every room in that house, but there was no sign of Matt. Amanda started to panic again. She almost cried when everyone said 'clear' in every room. 

And then, Finn found a floor that was wedge. That floor was covered by a mat. Finn threw the mat away and he found some kind of door. It was locked with a padlock. Finn shot the padlock and opened the door. It was dark in there. Finn clicked at the switch and the light started to flashing all over the room. Suddenly, he heard a scream. It was Matt.

Matt : Mommy?! 

Matt was sitting on the floor with his hand and legs are tied. He had scars on his left arm. His face was so pale like he never ate anything. His eyes was red and puffy because of crying. He was so miserable. Fin ran straightly to Matt. He cut the tie. Finn called Amanda loudly. Amanda ran into that room. She saw Matt, his son. Finn was stepping away while Amanda was running to Matt. She held him and then carried him. Amanda was crying. It was happy tears. She finally found his kidnapped son. 

Nick then came in. He saw Amanda was carrying Matt. Nick ran to them and then hugged them. He kissed Amanda's forehead and then Matt's. Nick hugged them tightly then started to cry. Olivia and Finn sighed in relief when they saw that moment. 

The problem now is the kidnapper. They had to find the kidnapper.

Matt Amaro Was KidnappedWhere stories live. Discover now