Chap 7 - "Client"

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"Night Jungkook"

"Night Ms. Yuri"

Right after a long hot shower, I lay down in the bed and stared at the ceiling. Should I go to school tomorrow? There's probably a chance that I won't be able to without a choice because of this headache.

I rolled on to my side and squeezed my pillow. I wonder if he really is lying to me, why is that a moment with him I feel like there's something wrong. Should I just keep ignoring it? or find out why? But there are chances that it can ruin our friendship, he might think that I don't trust him, that I'm being too clingy. I'm turning soft, well maybe only to him. He has this aura that makes me warm inside, something that I never felt before. It's different from the warm and tender that I get my from my family, being with him made it ten times stronger.

I'm thinking too much, and it's new to me. I chuckled, he is changing me but in a good way. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.


When the morning came, I felt sick. My head was hurting and spinning. I regretted drinking on a school day. I heard knocking on my door, I ignored it and covered myself with my blanket.

"Jungkook" it was Ms. Yuri.

"What?" I groaned.

"You don't sound so well, can I come in?"

"Go ahead, but don't open the curtains"

I heard the door opened and tapping of heels coming closer and closer. That sound was annoying, can't she just get a less tapping sounding shoes. Ms. Yuri passed the bed and headed towards the window, she opened the curtain which made my eyes squint and sting a little.

"No the sun, it hurts" I whined pulling the covers on my head.

"Whose fault is that?"

"The sun" I said rolling on the bed.

"Here take this, it'll help your headache" she said giving me a cup of water and medicine.

"What time is it?"

"Ten in the morning"

"Great now I missed school" I said sitting up and rubbed my eyes.

"I know, I know it's my fault. I get it" I cut her off.

"Glad you know" she turning her heel and walking to the door.

I flopped down back on the bed and pouted. I really miss him, maybe I should go to school in the afternoon. Ok it's decided, I'm going to school in the afternoon. Besides I can't miss anymore school work.

The rest of the morning was boring, but it's nice that my hangover was gone. I just sat on the couch, watching the television because I'm lazy like that. I glanced at the clock and decided to get ready for school. I didn't put much effort in my clothes today, since I'm not in the mood. I grabbed a black v-neck shirt and cargo pants.

Finally it was time to go, I asked the driver to drive me to school today. I watched the window, watching trees, houses, people passed by. I was so busy dazing off that I didn't even notice that we were here. I sighed, grabbed my bag and got out of the car. I feel so dull, I'm not really like this.

I walked down the path, realizing that once again students were staring in the same expression as any other day. I rolled my eyes and kept on walking. I tried looking for Jieun, since we haven't really talked much. I looked everywhere, still no sign of her. Instead of bumping into Jieun I saw V walking my way.

"Oh my gosh" I said as I ran towards him.

"Why are you all wet?"

"Hey Kookie" he said not even bothered that we was soaking wet.

"What happened?"

V looked like a mess, his hair was damp and his fringe was covering his left eye. His clothes was wet, it hugged his body which was weird. His body looked toned? W-wait a minute! Did he just call me Kookie?

"C'mon let's get you a new change of clothes"

"Y-yeah, ok"

Before we could walk he stopped me, he turned me around with a glumly look across his face.

"I'm sorry about running off like that yesterday"

I smiled, I can trust him. Right? Right? He's V what secret could he possibly hide.

"It's fine V"

Good thing it was still lunch time, we don't have to worry about being late.


"Hey, you had lunch yet?" I asked as V got out of the change room with his damp clothes on his hand.

"Yeah, we have thirty minutes before the bell. What do you want to do?" he asked.

"Hmm, want to go for a stroll?"

"Sure, let me just put this away"

V put away his clothes and we headed outside at the back of the school where there was a big oak tree on the side. There was a picnic table which look really old, I guess no one have been here for a while.

"You haven't told me what happened to you" I sat down, crossing my leg

"I got pushed in the pool"

"This school has a pool?" I asked stunned.

This old school can afford a freaking pool but can't renovate their classroom. He laughed and nodded.

"Yeah, shocking huh? I think it's a waste of money, since not that much people use"

"I agree, they should have fixed the inside of the school first" I said.

"Wait, who pushed you? Did they do it on purpose?" I continued, I could feel my eyes furrowing.

"It's no big deal, they were just having fun" I know that he was lying, he smiled but it didn't reach his eyes.

"Uh huh"

"Ah-choo" V sneezed "This can't be good, this is going to make my cold worsen" he said scrunching his nose.

"Maybe you should go to the nurse" I suggested.

"Nah, this will go away soon. I hope"

"If you say so"

The bell rang, interrupting our conversation. I just notice that time pass by so fast when I'm with V. Which is a nice thing, I enjoy it actually.

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