MyStreet Chapter 1 Pt 3

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Reader's pov
Aaron kissed me. I couldn't believe it. It had only been a few days since I had met him and yet he kissed me.. He pulled away. I honestly didn't know what to do so I just stood there obviously shocked. He looked at me. "Sorry, y/n I just had to let my feelings out." He looked sincere I nodded. And put my head on his chest my arms hugging him. He returned the hug. I pulled away. He looked at my neck. He saw a scar on my neck he reached out and touched it. I flinched. "Where'd you get that from..?" "Oh.. That... My wolf w/n scratched me on accident." He nodded. "I didn't know you had a wolf where is he?" "I actually have two wolves w/n and g/w/n.. They will be coming tomorrow when my mother comes to visit... Oh... No... " Aaron looked at me curiously "What?" I pulled away from his grip. "I forgot to tell Katelyn that our mom is coming!" I kissed Aaron on the cheek. "I'll see you later Aaron I gotta tell Katelyn before mom comes!" With that I took off my hair flinging back and forth as I ran. Eventually I got to the house. "Katelyn The Fire Fist! Come here if you don't want to be surprised tomorrow!" She quickly came down. "What! Sister of mine!" "Guess who's coming tomorrow!" She thought for a moment. "Uhhhhh..... I don't know?" "Mom is coming tomorrow Katelyn." She looked at me. "WHAT! Y/N YOU DECIDED TO LET ME KNOW NOW! AFTER ALL THE TIME YOU KNEW YOU HADN'T TOLD ME!" I looked at her with hard eyes. "YES KATELYN I'M SORRY I DIDNT TELL THE QUEEN SOONER I'M SORRY FOR BEING A BAD MESSENGER!" "OKAY MESSENGER HOW ABOUT YOU DO THIS HOW ABOUT YOU DO YOUR JOB RIGHT!!" "WHO SAID I WORKED FOR YOU I'M YOUR SISTERS AND OF YOU THINK I'M JUST GONNA LISTEN TO YOU JUST BECAUSE YOUR 3 MONTHS OLDER DOESNT MEAN I HAVE TO WORSHIP YOU!" I ran outside and sat down on the curb of the sidewalk. I heard Katelyn slam her door shut. I put my head on my hands. Half way to crying. I decided to take a walk. I got up and realized I had my IPod and my phone. I turned on my IPod and plugged my ear buds in I put them in my ears and started to jog.
Ten minutes later (Again *Cue SpongeBob*)
I finally got to the house after 10 minutes of a nice jog. I was sweating. I felt warm hands around my bare waist. At first I thought it was Aaron.. Nope.. It was Travis... "Travis Arms. Off. Now. I'm not in the mood my sister an do just got in a fight. Back off before I hurt you." He didn't let go. "Travis. I swear to Irene that I will hurt you." He still didn't back off. I let out a sigh. And elbowed him in th gut. He took his arms away from my waist and held his stomach. I heard him groan in pain. "Travis I warned you twice. Aaron actually already... Kissed me.. Today.. So... I don't want anymore love from anybody else.. Except maybe from... Aaron... He.. Just- Wait why am I talking to you about this..." I helped him up. "Dang it Aaron... I will still get to y/n if it's the last thing I do." I heard him mumble. I ignored it.
Waayyyyyy too shoorrttt I know but I couldn't think of anything else that wouldn't take anything away form next chap. I wrote down everything I thought of today and put it in this chapter except 3 things... NO SPOILERS FROM ME SORRY!

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