Chapter 15: The End of the Beginning

Start from the beginning

Gladys whole face lit up. She seemed ten years younger, than whatever age she actually was. "I'm honoured you feel I am worthy of such a precious gift."

For a moment, I thought I saw an aura of light around her, but I blinked and it was gone. "We were such good friends, your great aunt and I. Such good friends, and then," she sighed, "as your great aunt wanted to stay within the bosom of her family and therefore age gracefully, I couldn't even pretend to be a distant relation, those alive and aging would have wondered why I did not mature accordingly. I've visited in secret over the last few decades." A sparkle, a single tear rested in the corner of one eye. "I could not attend her funeral. I dare not visit your mother. She's a shrewd one."

I let her talk. It was unlike Gladys to offer so much information freely. Even Dawlish was still.

"It is easier not to meet people and to simply live in the shadows. Your great aunt, Araminta Fager was an amazing woman. She chose to join in with human living, instead of cloistering herself away waiting for signs."

"She was a nurse in the world war." I spoke quietly remembering the times Gam told me stories about the dark years. They were the reasons I'd visit. I never drifted during stories about the war.

"Yes, the second and the first, and in many wars before that. However, I dare say that information will not surprise you now."

I shook my head.

"It was not easy for her, either." Gladys smiled ruefully. "One day you'll experience the desolation of not being able to change a destiny or cure a mortal wound when it is not in your power too."

I randomly picked at the dried fruits, post party hunger suddenly kicking in. "But how did Gam know who to save? Did she have to stand back and let people die, even with her magic?"

Gladys sat back and sighed. She looked at me with the soft resignation and pity of a woman with experience towards a girl who has no idea. "She used her human skills of medicine and care upon whoever she came in contact with, but Araminta, you already know when it feels right to involve yourself in someone's destiny and when there is no urge to do so."

I didn't answer. "I don't think I could watch someone in pain knowing one word could change that. I can see why some Cumendre want to hide in a room until there called for."

"Yes. It is the easiest way; you pop in and pop out. However, can you truly understand if you never truly feel?"

The lights dimmed and twinkled and the smell of pine filled my nostrils. The food-covered table continued to call me as Gladys poured peppermint tea.

"Mint for the coldness of winter; tea for the warmth of the coming summer."

We sat eating in silence. It felt easy. I hadn't realised how Gladys and I could do that, like Gam and I, once upon a time. Feeling more cheerful, I ate, drank and merry-ed as medieval music struck up from nowhere.

"And I have something for you." A decidedly cheerful note sang in Gladys voice and a small chunk of wood emerged in my hands. A little confused but, not wanting to be ungrateful I smiled.

"A piece of Yule log, for luck. You must keep it and burn it next year with your new Yule log." Satisfied with her explanation, she sat back in her chair.

"Thank you. I need some more of that, luck I mean." I thought about George.

"Why is that, my child? I sense you had success in your spells tonight."

"I did, oh I did!" The excitement returned. "I changed the way Zara's viewed by our lot at school. I got them to see she's beautiful, wonderful and amazing. None of it wasn't already true, but you know what kids are like."

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