10. Some Things Are Meant To Be

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Niall feels his nose being prodded. Well more or less being stroked gently.

He knows it's Harry being bored and wants Niall to be awake, and Niall feels Harry's thumb  poking at his lips. He waits until his thumb is in his mouth and he bites down hard.

"Ow, ow Ni, no ow!! Niall, I'm sorry, sorry! Ow!" Niall lets him go once he's begged for a while.

Niall smirks happy with himself whilst Harry pouts and examines his thumb.

"You little shit, that really hurt!" Harry cries out.

"Sorry?" Niall giggles softly.

"It's nine am, I have a date today Ni, come on, wake up!!" Harry urges, clearly excited for his date.

"You're going at like, twelve, Selena gets to have you all day, at least let me have you for a while," Niall mumbles, snuggling into Harry's chest. Harry smiles at the blonde to himself, Niall is just cute, he supposes, and there's nothing about his best friend he'd change.

"Alright, I'll get ready at eleven, you have to go then, alright? And I promise I'll come see you afterwards," Niall nods and Harry feels it.

They lay in silence for a bit before Harry decides to speak up, "I'm sorry."

"What for?" Niall asks, confusion laced in his morning voice. His eyes still shut.

"For my reaction yesterday, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, if I did, no I'm pretty sure I did," Harry says sincerely.

"It's okay, don't worry about it, all that matters to me is that you still accept me, that's enough for me," the blonde clarifies, still keeping his face in Harry's chest, loving the warmth and security he feels.

"But, I made you cry and I hate seeing you upset and crying," Harry says sadly, and starts threading his hands through his sleepy best friend's blonde hair.

Niall can't really think of a reply when Harry is massaging his scalp and sending him into a sleepy trance.

"It's okay, as long as you don't care that I enjoy cuddling you more than you'll ever enjoying cuddling me," Niall says, his friend laughing, the blonde not really paying attention to what Harry said. Harry stops his hand movements and Niall groans. He reaches his hand round to find Harry's. Once he has the brunettes hand he moves it to his hair where Harry moves his hand throw the blondes hair once again, chuckling as he does.

"I'm allowed to enjoy cuddling you, you're very cuddly!" he stops and brushes his hand trough Niall's hair, observing Niall's reaction, "You like this huh?"

"Yes," the blonde instantly replies and enjoys the feeling of Harry gently scratching at his scalp. Harry keeps it going and eventually his friend is asleep again.

Harry decides to get ready for his date by the time the clock hits ten am and he leaves Niall sleeping happily, Harry had to give Niall his hoodie as the blonde wouldn't let go of Harry at first in his sleep but he eventually did for the hoodie.

Harry gets himself ready and by eleven thirty he's done and Niall is still sleeping soundly. He looks peaceful and it's nice to seem him that way to Harry.

"Hey Nialler," Harry sits on the bed next to him and pokes him gently.

"What," the blonde groans.

"Wake up! It's time to go!" Niall sits up all confused, he looks so cute and sleepy, Harry thinks to himself.

"Okay, I'll get my clothes and get 'Ma to come get me," Niall says, he stumbles out the bed and grabs his trousers.

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