1. Wise Men Say

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Niall knows that Harry is his best friend. Harry knows that Niall is his. They love each other in a platonic way, some might say, but others aren't so sure about that.

Harry for one, he understands that when they first met, he knew they would be inseparable, ever since the first year of school, the first week, first day he saw Niall and Niall saw him, he knew they'd be friends forever.

And his prediction was never proved wrong.

Niall also knew that he and Harry would be friends for a long time, if not, forever.

Eventually they started high school and things got a bit too smart for Niall by year eleven.

Harry just didn't know it yet.

"Harry?" Niall said.

"Yeah," they were both sat on in Harry's room, Harry on the floor with his back up against the bed and Niall on the bed, both watching TV, Harry's mum had gone out for the evening with friends from her work and told her son he could have Niall round to stay the night as it the first night of the Easter holidays; Friday.

"I need to talk to you about something," he stated and Harry stopped staring into the televisions soul and turned to face his best friend.

"What's up Nialler?" he sounded as he got up off the floor and joined Niall on the bed, sat next to niall.

"It's hard for me to explain," Niall gulps a little after he says it and Harry puts a hand on his shoulder softly, and rubs little circles with his thumb to comfort his friend.

"Whatever it is, I'm here for you and I'll help you no matter what," Harry states and Niall nods, his eyes getting glassy.

"You know that I-I have depression and anxiety," Niall gulps again and Harry's face softens.

"Yeah I know that, and I'm here for you whenever you need me," Niall nods, the tears forming in his eyes begin to over flow a little.

"The thing is, I feel like I'm drowning in school work and my m-mum doesn't listen to me when I try to t-tell her," Harry doesn't really know what to do as he's never been good at comforting Niall, when the boy has felt this way, usually Niall doesn't cry, but sometimes he does and when he's feeling shitty about something, Harry just puts some video games on and they eat pizza until Niall feels better but this is different, this is serious, Niall doesn't feel okay at school and no one is listening to him.

Harry hesitantly places an arm around Niall's shoulders and Niall rests his head on Harry's shoulder, the latters height proving to be an advantage. Harry tenses at first, unsure what to do, but as the blonde boy wipes his watery eyes with his hands Harry grabs his sleeve of his hoodie and gently wipes under the boys eyes.

"Thank you," Niall sniffs and Harry smiles at him.

"It's okay, now, I have to know, have you been self harming about this Ni?" Harry asks carefully and Niall shakes his head.

"Promise?" Niall looks up at Harry and gently lifts his shirt to show his stomach where there's past scars, many of them, but no new ones.

"I pormise," Harry smiles and gets over himself, pulling the blonde boy closer to him. He's his best friend, he shouldn't feel this way, so awkward and weird around Niall when he's upset, he should just cuddle him and let the boy be.

It's never been like this before, so why now?

Harry lays down a little more into the bed and moves his best friend onto his chest, where Niall makes sure to snuggle in as far as the laws of nature would allow.

Harry doesn't remember falling asleep, but he remembers Niall falling asleep on him, pressed against his chest, and he remembers the butterflies as he looked at his best friends sleeping form.

But Harry's mum remembers seeing them both asleep, when she comes home later that night, she sees them curled up together, the TV playing softly and the duvet half heartedly pulled over their bodies.

She creeps herself in slowly and gently pulls the covers back up around them, but before she does, she notices their hands joined together, Niall's smaller hand wrapped inside Harry's larger hand. She's surprised by the size difference. She makes sure they're comfortable and turns the TV off before she exits the room, shutting the door quietly behind her.

---chapter one, new chapter every day I hope folks!---

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