the problem with glasses

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okay so don't you just love it when you're in starbucks or costa or wherever you buy your hot drinks from and you lean in to have a nice hot drink and boom your glasses steam up and you're all of a sudden more blind than you was in the first place. meaning you can't enjoy a nice hot drink on a cold summers day; great.
i have the same problem when it's cold outside (yes i go outside i know, i'm shocked too) and when i go into my friend's house for example and i steam up and am blind again, and i get hella insecure that my friend and their family are going to judge me for being sweaty or some shit.

i've never understood the wierd fascination of people wanting to try on your glasses, like what's so special about them? it's just glass and metal. why do you want to try them on? like all it results in are comments like, "wow you're so blind, u look so good / bad / different without glasses," like i am very aware of how i look can i pls have my eyesight back?

you know what else is fun about glasses? the rain, even the lightest of rain, it starts of with me taking them off and cleaning them and then i just say fuck it and walk home blind.

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