3) Where It All Began...

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Then there is my bestie Brianna. Met her in university. She clicked to me instantly. I spent most of my time with her the past four years as we both studied business and fashion and more time we worked together. When I moved out for university I lived with her second and third year.

Two girls who mean the world to me but can't stand each other. It's no secret either. They don't say hi when they see each other and if they do its ever so fake.

I have tried to get them to sit and talk about their differences but they are just chalk and cheese. They won't ever get along.

Taylor says Brianna is a "trick" and that she's sneaky and doesn't trust her that's why she won't ever give her the time of day. She also says, "Brianna thinks this is some competition but what Brianna doesn't realise is she can't compete with someone who has known you for much longer."

Brianna says Taylor has a problem with her because Taylor is too "stuck up".

I think it's all silly to be honest but I have told them I'm not splitting myself in two for them. So they have to accept that they are both going to be around each other.

My doorbell rang and I knew it was Brianna.
I was just putting my clothes on when she came into my room.

"Ugh.. Girl... I had to get out of there. I swear if Taylor wasn't your girl I would have knocked her ass out!" Brianna said. I shook my head.

"Well she is.. And the same way I would tell her not to talk like that is the same way I'm telling you... Don't talk like that." I frowned.

"Girl.. You don't understand. It was just me, her and one of her friends. When I first got there I said hi and offered to buy her a drink she was fake with her hello and declined my offer for my drink. I shrugged it off and just got myself a few drinks. We was at the table and these guys came over. One was trying to talk to her and it was okay. His friends come over and one tries to talk to me and then there's a problem. Telling them it's her table and they can't sit there. Even the boy that was talking to her looked confused. So after that I just got up and walked off and did my own thing. Saw the guy from before and ended up seeing the new year in with him and his friends. But it's New Years so when they start hovering around the next group of girls I'm not going to stay. So I went back to the table. She rolled her eyes when she saw me coming then once I'm sitting down she says "so your mates don't want you around anymore? That's why you came back." I just ignored her and walked to the washroom and that's when I tried calling you... Olivia are you even paying attention?" Brianna asked as I looked at myself in the mirror.

"Not really. I can hear you but y'all always moaning about each other. Taylor will be going soon and I'm going to miss my best friend so can we please just have a good night. Now... How do I look?" I asked Brianna

"Girl you know you always killing it." She said.

I smiled. There was nothing fascinating about me. Other than my hair. And most of the time I had it straightened and in a bun so no one really got to see it. But for the new year I was trying something different. I was embracing my tight curls. I had highlights in them too so they looked quite nice.

"You need to share some of your body girl I'm jealous!" Brianna added.

Oh. Yes. That too.. I have the body girls go crazy for. I'm what they call slim thick. I stand 5"7 with a petite waist. Plump breast that sit up right even without a bra and a bum that always gets me unwanted attention.

#7 :: Everything I Want.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz