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It was noon and Gray was waiting in the park for Erza Scarlet.

He could think that it was a "date" but no, he forced himself to think that this was just a "friendly meeting" and he should not expect too much today from himself or Erza as well.

Erza approached Jellal near the shade of the huge tree in the park. She wore her normal clothes; a hood on top of a plain but cute shirt and jeans on sneakers, however this was all to make Jellal's heart flutter even more. A simple, plain girl he loved, a simple yet looking more than beautiful and cute.

"Good afternoon." She halted and bowed deeply.
"Ah good-good afternoon." Jellal hesitantly bowed, he didn't expect Erza to be that modest, but for now he decided to take it slow.

Though he felt a sting in his heart that he was concealing his feelings inside for so long and now for Erza's sake he has to endure the pain a little longer than he expected.

"How are you ?" Jellal asked smilingly.

"I'm good." Erza replied. "And you ?"

"Fine as always." He chuckled.

"Where are we going ?" She asked softly, but it was hearable.

"Uh I got a place in mind. If you don't mind then can I take you there ?" Jellal asked and hoped for a yes.

"Sure." She nodded and curved her lips.

Yes ! Jellal was too damn happy to contain his smile. Everything seems to be going good and he hoped that it would go this way until the end because not every love story goes as it is planned. You could say deep inside, Jellal kept a cross on his heart.


The place the blue-haired guy thought of taking Erza was the seashore situated at the end of the very Fiore, where the border to Magnolia town starts.

Erza surely looked bewildered as she stepped onto the soft sand. She didn't expect that Jellal would bring her here at their very first meeting because usually Erza read in magazines that when a boy and girl meet for the first time, typically they would go to the cafe or stay at the park and talk, but this. This was different from those magazines, this was nice.

"Let's see the sunset together." Jellal said as he glued his gaze on the waves gradually wetting the sand and its shells.

"Is it alright with you ? Aren't you busy ?" Erza asked hesitatingly and looked at him.

"Not at all." He said. "And you ? Is it alright with you ?"

"I don't have any plans today. I want to see the sunset with you as well." She confessed and slightly curved up her lips.

Jellal was a little surprised, actually more than surprised because he didn't expect Erza to agree with him so easily. He thought he had to insist a little but everything went so smoothly, without any chapters of argument.

Sunset in Fiore was a must to see if you ever arrived the city. There's a myth people in that town had created a long time ago that if the two people who truly loved each but couldnt really confess to one another, the Angel of sunset would arise and make their love blossom.

No one really believes in this kind of story nowadays because its just a myth, just a fake story and neither does Jellal in any way.

To take that myth seriously would be absurd of him.

Until if the Angel of sunset would actually appear in front of him, then maybe...then maybe he could try believing for once.


It was time for the sun to set and Erza and Jellal were sitting on the bench opposite the beach. In front of them were huge rocks painted in the suns deep orange color.

Everything appeared in shades of yellow and red. So mesmerizing, so deep, so intense.
There were no words Scarlet or Fernandez exchanged, rather there was a silence in the abyss between them. A silent that was filled with emotions both of them contained.

Erza was still finding her true feelings for him, while Jellal had long found it for her. He just had to show it and then maybe, there is a probability that Erza would show it too.

The orange ball of fire, slowly began to set down. The blazing fury became so calm, so beautiful.
It felt like the most happiest yet saddest thing in the world.

"Its pretty isn't it ?" Erza asked with a faint sigh.

"It is." Jellal answered.

"And so.. Miserable."

"Huh ?" Jellal looked at her.

"Its a pity, such a bright thing only gets prettier for ten minutes of its life everyday."

The way Erza thinks, it was a little different from anyone he ever met in his twenty years of life.

"Your right." Jellal muttered. "It is pitiful, but don't you think it treasures its beauty everyday ? Even though its just for a few minutes, it shows us how not to pity it."

Erza turned her head towards me and smiled.
"Your right." She said. "It doesn't want us to pity it, rather to remember its eternal beauty."

Yes, it was different. The way she thinks.

"Erza, I love you." Jellal suddenly blurted. For a second, he was subconscious of what he was saying and then realized that what he had said was too soon and he regretted it.

"Can you go out with me ?" Erza said and winked at him.

Surprised, Jellal gaped at her speechlessly.

"That's what your next question would have been right ? Well...it is true huh." Erza sighed and shifted her gaze towards the sea that had eaten the sun.

"What..what is true ?" Jellal asked.

"The myth. The Angel of sunset did blossom love between us didn't she ?" She chuckled.

"The Angel of Sunset huh..." Jellal thought. Still he didn't believe in it cause of course, she or he is not real. Its just a myth after all, myths aren't real. That's what he wants to believe. He wants to believe that Erza felt it that way herself instead of some Angel helping her. That's what he wants and will believe.

"My answer. Is yes."

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