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C H A P T E R      S E V E N T E E N

He was at Jason's house by eight the next morning. He'd set out to get there earlier, but traffic was packed along the main roads, so it had added nearly half an hour to the trip.

Parking by the edge of the street, he shoved his car into reverse, turning up into the driveway. The fact that it was empty on a Saturday wasn't usual, but at least it gave him more room to get up without hitting anything.

In the mirror, he watched the garage door lift. Out from underneath it came Jason's dad. He looked as though he'd only just woken up, still wearing loose sweatpants and a singlet. Aware he'd been spotted, Dylan stopped his car, and took out his keys. Unclicking his seatbelt, he opened the door, steeping out into the near-blinding light. Blinking, he drew his sunglasses over his eyes to ward it off.

"Jason's passed out."

Dylan wasn't even slightest bit surprised. Jason couldn't handle alcohol to save his life. He talked big game, but he was always the one to fall asleep. "Tough," Dylan muttered. "I'm waking him up."

"Serves him right." Jason's dad laughed. "I've given up on telling him not to drink. He does it just to spite me."

Dylan said nothing to that.

"Head on in." He waved an arm towards the lifted door. "Don't be too loud though. Tarryn is still sleeping."

Dylan shoved his keys into his pocket, ducking under the garage door. "Got it."

He was left alone after that. Weaving around both SUV's parked in the garage, he opened the laundry door. The second he stepped into the gaping hallway he was tackled by dogs though. He shoved off Jason's Border collie, Sasha, first, who scampered away, probably to go outside again and bring more dirt into the house. Then he bent to pick up Macey, the only puppy they'd kept.

Her tail was wagging and she kept licking at his face, but he kept her silent as he turned the hall at the end, walking through the kitchen and out into the backyard.

The shed Jason had claimed wasn't far off the house, originally used as an extra carport. Now it was both the gym and Jason's room. Dropping Macey, he walked carefully since she'd decided to weave herself around his legs.

Reaching the shed, he turned the large metal lock, pushing the door open. It groaned loudly, protesting as it opened. He shoved harder, grateful when it finally opened.

The room was a mess—he'd dubbed it disaster zone for a reason. Clothes thrown everywhere. A section of empty beer cans by the bed, along with a few bottles over Vodka. The only area that wasn't a mess was where the gym equipment sat in the corner. Jason was sprawled out on his bed, limbs thrown everywhere. He'd never been more grateful for sheets—because Jason had decided it was a great idea to sleep naked.

Picking up the squirming, over-excited puppy at his ankles, he walked closer to the bed. Then, when he was close enough, he dropped Macey on top of Jason's pack. She seemed to think it was some sort of game, happily rolling around and nuzzling Jason.

Dylan just waited, watching. If he could step on the bare floor boards, he'd have the slightest chance of finding the book. But he didn't.

"Go puppy," he said as he walked over to the treadmill. "Wake the stupid idiot up."

Macey was all over it, biting and scratching.

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