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The below is written for my past readers, current readers, and future readers; this includes both my Arab and non-Arab readers.


|1|Generally, this piece of work is supposed to be taken in a lightly-hearted manner. If something discussed makes me seem like I'm serious about it then know that I am not, but of course, there are exceptions. Some parts are jokes while others are experiences, some are problems and others are stories. You should be taking them in a "Haha lol" manner unless it's a serious issue that's being discussed. This is a way to give you a chuckle or laugh. Do not be so angry over nothing. I am giving you the chance to make yourself happy, so don't give it up. A good amount of people have told me that after their long days of working hard or being in a terrible mood, this piece of work has brightened up their entire being. If you are not one of them then attempt to be. Is there something that offends you? If yes, feel free to personally message me, and I will try my best to respond to you and clarify myself. Perhaps I can add in a disclaimer in the part you're referring to or simply clean up the fact that you misinterpreted my words.

|2|I never said all Arab nations practice everything I've posted in my parts. There are some parts where just one or two Arab nations can relate to while there's parts where all Arab nations can relate to; there are some parts where only a handful of Arab nations can relate to, and there are parts where a little more than that can relate to. Moreover, there are even parts where only western Arabs can relate to! I did this purposely: it gives all Arabs a chance to be recognized. Do not belittle one of my topics just because you don't practice or haven't experienced whatever I've discussed. There are even topics that I haven't even experienced, yet I posted them because I know many Arabs around me who have. The Arab world holds a population of over 300 million people. Keep that in mind. Do not think all Arabs live like you. Do you feel as though I haven't done justice in any one of my parts in regards of all of this? Message me, and we will work on the solution together.

|3|I have never said that the topics I discuss are only relevant in Arab culture. If you're a non-Arab who shares a similar practice, belief, or just culture in general, that's totally fine with me. I have nothing against anyone from a specific ethnicity or race; in fact I have always befriended people from different ethnicities and races. My close friends haven't always been Arabs, and I am not planning on changing that at all. Because these topics are relevant to Arabs, though, I have discussed and posted them. Does that mean only Arab culture permits these things or they are only practiced by Arabs? Absolutely not! Because they are prevalent to Arabs, however, I have discussed them (I think I just repeated myself, lol). Where is the wrong in all of the above? I can't find it, so inform me by messaging me if you can.

|4|There is a reason why I hardly bring up religion. What? Did you think just because Islam started among the Arabs that I'm obliged to discuss it in one of my parts?! There are millions of Arabs who are not Muslims; they're mainly Christians, but there are still many Arab Jews, and even Arab atheists are starting to grow in number. I have met many non-Muslim Arabs. One of my closest family-friends are Arab Christians. I sit near two Arab Christians in class. I've had non-Muslim Arabs be my teachers growing up. Many more live around me. They are all around me. They always have been, and they also will be. I am not going to push them aside because we differ in religious beliefs. Islam does not define Arabs, and Arabs do not define Islam. If you can't handle the fact that I haven't brought up religion-especially Islam-then that's honestly your problem. I have made this a piece of work where all Arabs-no matter which religious beliefs they follow-or if they don't even follow a religion-can enjoy a little smile, chuckle, or laugh. I don't care whether you're an Arab or non-Arab. I don't care whether you're a Muslim or not. Do not tell me that religion demands me to do something in a piece of writing where it should not be discussed. Respect other people's views in tolerance or please leave and solve your issue.

|5|Arabic is heavily used because it's the language of the Arabs. This fact would obviously seem self-explanatory but I guess not. Another thing that I am attempting is to use Arabic in an authentic manner. By keeping this authentic, I don't intend to translate everything I say to English. This isn't a story, so I won't do that. If you aren't an Arab or simply don't know Arabic then ask for a translation/explanation in the comment section respectfully. I'll be so happy to translate and/or explain whatever you're confused about. If I'm not on the moment you're on, don't worry, because someone else might help you out before I see it. Please do not demand me to do something that I intend to not do to protect its authenticity. Do not criticize me for using my mother tongue in a piece of work about my people whom use my mother tongue too. That's ridiculous. I could have gone ahead and made this entire work in Arabic, but I didn't. Take note of that.

|6|There is a reason why I have used "I" at times. In some parts, the topic I have discussed is something I've personally experienced in my life. How would you know? Because I used "I," so I'm obviously talking about myself and my own personal experiences. If I say something is a certain way and explain that I feel that way, that obviously means that's just an opinion! You go to school to learn about grammar, don't you? Then you probably should have taken note about the usage of "I." If you need help understanding when and why "I" is used, message me. I'll direct you to a website that explains this grammar rule.

|7| I reserve the right to delete any comment on this work. (I will only do that if you are offensive).

I hope I wouldn't need to add even more points in the future. Don't be so stubborn in life. It won't get you anywhere. Take a chill pill and relax, guys. Don't have a chill pill? Then use my work as one. :)

Smile. Smile for me. Do it. Please. I love it so much when you do. It makes me not only smile but happy as well. I care for you more than I care for myself, so do it. Smile. :)


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