Fight And Make-Up

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Early morning I woke up got dressed and put Zasha on a leash. I began to walk her to the park right down the road. I could see it up ahead when I (quite literally) ran into Adam. "Why am I not surprised?" I asked. A small bark came from below me...a chihuahua? I held in a giggle. Adams face turned a light shade of pink. I raised my eye brows at him. "Adam? Is there something I need to know?" I asked playfully. He scratched the back of his head. "It's my sisters. She is sick so I'm walking Pepe today." He looked down at the adorable little monster. Zasha began to sniff him. Afraid she would eat him I tugged her leash. "We were just going to the park." I told him. "I have my truck, we could take 'em to the dog park." He suggested. I weighed my options. "I don't know I'm still pissed that your little stunt made me work at the movies." I told him crossing my arms. "We- come on B- but." He just couldn't spit it out could he?

Then a mustang turned down the street behind me. "Switch dogs!" He ordered. "What?" "Just switch dogs I promise I'll give her back!" He begged. I gave him Zasha and I took Pepe. The mustang slowed to a stop right next to us. It was a silver color. Maybe a 2010 model? It looked brand new but you could barely see a couple of scratched indicating it was used. The top came down and so did the windows. "Adam?" The guy driving asked. There were two men in the front and two in the back. The one driving had black hair sticking up in the front while the one in the passenger seat was blonde and had more of a surfer look. The two guys in the back looked Spanish. One you could tell had a little black in him. He pulled down his glasses enough to give me a look over. He smirked while doing so. "Is this your girlfriend?" He asked. I don't get why he looked at me like I was a cheeseburger, I didn't even look hot....unless its the kind of sweaty hot. Then that would be why. The other guys whistled and hooted. The two in the back grabbed hold of the seats in front of them and basically did Gangnym Style in their seats. I rolled my eyes. The guy in the passenger seat licked his lips and winked at me. "Y'all are pathetic!" I told them. Adam got wide eyed and I think signaled me to cut it out. Either that or he was hanging could be both. The guys in the back oooohhed clearly showing they didn't know who's side their on. The one driving spoke. "Listen sweet thing, I pick up girls like you for breakfast. So I would stop where you are" ...did he just threaten me? I raised an eyebrow. "Okay, for one don't call me 'sweet thing' and second, I chew up and spit out boys like you for breakfast." Adam threw his head back. Zasha barked at the guys and began to growl. The driver (whoms name I still don't know) lifted his sunglasses to the top of his head. "Try me sweet thing" my eye twitched with irritation. "Zasha! Attack!" Zasha ran to the car slipping out of Adams grasp. She jumped in the car and all if the guys jumped out. She began barking and growling fiercely to tell them that the car was her territory now. The blondie had almost dreadlocks and he kept flipping them around so he could see Zasha clearer. The cocky asshole stood with his hands up in surrender. "Get that mutt out of my new car!" He demanded voice cracking. "New car? Tell that to the scratches the previous owner made." I told him. Adam was now pacing back and forth behind me. "Zasha! Retreat!" She jumped out of the car and came back to my side. "This won't go in notified!" The driver threatened. They all jumped in the car. Mr. Dreads over there gave me the finger and the sped off. I looked over at Adam to see his mouth hanging open. "Close your mouth you'll catch flies!" I told him pushing his jaw up.

"Why would you do that?" Adam finally spoke. "Because he insulted me...why would I date you? Plus he was being a total man-whore!" I told him matter-a-factly "but do you know how high in the high school food chain he is?!" He screamed at me. "No I don't! Because he doesn't GO TO OUR SCHOOL!" Now I was getting pissed. I crossed my arms "you could have became popular!" He almost whispered waving his hands around like a maniac. "I don't have to be popular to be happy Adam" "Well I do! And YOU just ruined it for me!" He poked my chest. I pulled my eyebrows together. "Well I'm sorry you even know me." My voice cracked. "No matter how hard you try Adam you can't stop being an asshole can you?" I asked him. Tears began to weld up, they were so small it just looked like my eyes had a glassy covering though. "How is this my fault Bay?" Is he on his period or something? Why is he so freaking BIPOLAR?! "Let's go get some ice cream" Adam finally said after a long silence. "If you think, I'm just going to willingly-" I babbled on for ten minutes not realizing I followed him home and into his truck all the way to the ice cream shop two blocks away from the dog park. When I finally finished I took n my surroundings. I looked Adam directly in his eyes and said "you asshole" his eyes looked pleading. "Oh don't you try that on me MISTER!" I poked his chest. He continued to stare at me with his milky brown eyes. Just pools of brown I could swim in all day. "Fine." I muttered pouting like a child. He clapped his hands together startling me then got out of the truck. I hopped out after him.

"One vanilla, one strawberry" "how did you know my favorite was vanilla?" I asked Adam. "Your friends tell me everything." He winked "Nah! Just joking, when you don't know someone's favorite, just give 'em vanilla!" He shrugged handing me my ice cream and giving the man a ten. "I can pay for my own ice cream!" I told him after smashing my face into it. "Stop being so independent!" I mimicked him so that only I could hear. "Heard that!" Or so I thought. Adam got back his change and we began walking...don't worry we left the dogs in the car and parked in the shade. He pointed to my nose. "You have a little something right there!" He smashed his ice cream into my face when he said there. "Be careful Lion! You got nose boogers in my ice cream! Tsk Tsk Tsk!" He said shaking his head. I took my ice cream and smashed it into his back. "Be careful Lioness, you got back sweat in my ice cream. Tsk Tsk Tak!" I mimicked him shaking my head. "Oh it's on!" He yelled running after me. We passed a trash can and threw out cones away as we ran. I giggled and laughed the whole time. He grabbed hold of me wrapping his arms around my waist and spinning me until I stopped struggling to get free. "Adam stop!" I screamed giggling. Finally he threw me and I stumbled into some ones arms. "Sorry!" I told them cheeks heating up. "Come on rhino your better than that!" Adam scolded me. Turns out I ran into an elderly couple. When Adam approached me and I punched him in the stomach hurting my fingers in the process. "How long have you two been a couple." The woman asked. I froze. Then broke out into laughter. "Wha- no- him? And me?" I broke out into laughter again. The woman only smiled bigger. "oh you will!" She said as if she could see the future. I turned to Adam to see a goofy grin on his face. I only pushed him and began walking back to the car.

We got back to the car and I thought maybe I should confront him. "So Adam." I didn't look at him. I couldn't. So I only looked at the ground. "About that kiss..." He lifted my chin with one finger and crashed his lips onto mine. I know, I know, not the most romantic moment. But it was my first kiss. They moved together as if in harmony. It felt amazing. But one thing was missing...weren't there supposed to be sparks?


Sorry for no update! Writers block! AHHHH!

So I made this one a little longer than usual.

What do ya think?

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