Chapter Nineteen

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It's in everyone's interest to read the note at the end. And I will notice, if you did not read it :))

"Crap, Rin," I croak. Sasuke glances at me.
"She knows you're here, plus still alive—don't worry. I texted Obito," he assures me, a trace of humor lingering in his tone.
Obito? Oh, don't tell me— I remember her fervent dancing, engaged conversations and giggles from yesterday. She moved around like her life depended on it, her butt shaking like wild fire; solely to seduce Obito Uchiha, Sasuke's brother. Someone get me a bowl to puke in; she knows I am here. I don't even want to imagine anything close t her thoughts, I've never stayed out before, not that I intended to do so in this first, but the point is still that I—thoigh unvoluntarily—slept with someone of the opposite gender in a single bed, showered, and hey, apparently still talking to them. And, the fact that she has been with Obiot can only mean one thing; that exactly thing she will most definitely project on my very self, even if it's the unrealistic and a false accusation, however, her thought won't even falter by any counter-argument given: she will think I had a one-night stand, too.
Sasuke is staring at me with his imprious gaze; I don't reply to him, nor look him in the eyes, rather, my sight travels along his body—he is wearing a white linen shirt, with his collar and cuffs undone.
"Sit," he commands, pointing to the chair opposite him. I comply, not questioning him, nor complain, and make my way to the place he desires me to be. The table is filled with food, form the middle to the edges—I can already see where this is leading to: he is strict when it comes to eating.
"I didn't know what you liked, so I ordered everything there was from the breakfast menu." He gives me a crooked, apologetic smile.
"That's very profligate of you," I mutter, irritated by the vast amount of food. How is one even able to choose one of those?
"Yes, it is," he replies, his tone guilty. I sigh, and allow my eyes to inspect what he has gotten me, quickly opting for pancakes, maple syrup, fried eggs and bacon—there is nothing better than bacon, after all.
Sasuke attempts to not be interested in my choice, and yet I capture his gaze to be fully on me, a small, almost unnoticeable smile crawling up his features; he turns back to his own breakfast, as he probably has sensed my awareness. He has gotten himself an omelette with toast, and a few fried champignons. I must admit, the food is delicious. Probably, this is one of the best breakfasts—not only by taste, obviously—in my entire life.
"Tea?" he asks.
"Yes, please."
"Sasuke passes me the small teapot to his left, filled with steaming hot water, on the saucer being bags of English breakfast tea. It's scary how he remembers my favorite tea, Mr. Observant must have struck him.
"Your hair's very damp," he comments, and I can already feel the scolding coming from him, yet I try to avoid an argument with him.
"Why, thank you!" I reply, putting the taebag in my cup and fill hot water inside; I watch the taebag slightly lifting itself up in the water.
"It's not healthy to run around with wet hair, you could catch a cold." I sigh, there is no way to avoid this, is there?
"I couldn't find the hair dryer," I mutter, exasperated. Not that I look like it, but this guy can really be frustrating—I question his business affinity by his tendency to be way too persuasive and engaged in winning every single argument there is.
I watch Sasuke's mouth taken on a hard line, not satisfied with my answer, but he doesn't say anything. It's not like he can shove me into the bathroom to dry my hair properly, he prefers me eating right now, anyways.
"Thank you for the clothes."
"It's a pleasure, [name]. I am glad everything fits, and I must admit they suit you very well." I blush and look down on my hands.
"You know, you should really learn how to take a compliment." I sigh, he is right, though—
"I should give you money for the clothes." I feel his glare on me, yet he says nothing, as for now.
"I mean, you've already sent me those books—I can't accept them either!—but these clothes...there has been no chance to not take them, so I want to give you the money back, at least." In the process of talking, I've finally averted my gaze from my fingers, eyes locked with his.
"[name], if I have one thing, then it is money. This is nothing."
"It's not the point! I know you do, I'm not dumb; the thing is just, I don't get why you," I trail off, fearing to continue, but his eyes are on mine, and I just cannot stop—this guy expects an answer, and I feel obliged to give him one, "do all of this, I mean, buying all of this." I finish, pointing at the clothes, which I am wearing.
"Because I can." My jaw drops slightly at his playful tone. Gosh, this smirk is so sexy.
"Just because you can does not imply that you should," I counter, though quieter than before. He arches an eyebrow, eyes twinkling wiith something I cannot decipher, and his lips curl up in what seems to no longer be a smirk, but rather a genuine smile. I feel a little confidence and stare at him, hopeful to receive an answer from him.
"Why did you buy me these books?" He sighs, almost uncomfortable to answer me; he runs his hand through his raven hair.
"Well, when you were nearly run over by the cyclist—and I was holding you in my arms—you just looked at me, and your eyes just spoke 'kiss me, kiss me, Sasuke'," he pauses and shrugs, "I felt I owed you an apology and a warning, I guess." He takes a deep breath and looks at me, eyes darkening a little bit. "[name], I am not a hearts and flowers sort of man. . . I don't do romance. My tastes are very singular, as I've already told you. You should not be with me, it's no good for you." He closes his eyes as if in defeat. "There's something about you, though, and I'm finding it impossible to stay away from you, so you should take the lead on that part."
My mouth becomes dry, and my appetite vanishes. He can't stay away from me!
"Then don't...because I won't even try to stay away." His eyes widen, shock is all ocver him.
"You don't know what you're saying!"
"Enlighten me then." My eyes are begging, I don't want to lose him; now, that I have admitted this infatuation to myself (and he figuring it out, as well)
"You're not celibate, then?" I say, and amusement circles his eyes.
"No, definitely not, [name]." he answers me. His eyes are closed, again, as if in thought; I did just really ask him that question, wow.I flush scarlet.
"What are your plans for the next few days?" he asks, his voice low.
"I'm working today, from midday. Oh God, what time is it?" I panic, and furiously look around in hopes of spying a clock. Sasuke calms me down.
"It's just after ten; you have plenty of time. What about tomorrow?"
"Rin and I are going to start packing. We're moving to Konoha next weekend, and I'm working at Momochi's all week."
"You've a place in Konoha already? Where?" he questions me, pure interest in his words.
"Yeah, and I don't know the exact address. It's somewhere near the market, though."
"That's not far from me." He smiles. Oh, how fortunate...

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Know that I hate being ordered around more than NaruHina, that said, people who so rudely write comments such as "update!", "update, pls" or anything else telling me solely to update, after I've just published a new chapter, are what will eventually make me to do the exact opposite. I don't write because you tell me so, but I write because I want to. I really appreciate comments, but if it's all about demanding me to write, then I'm sorry, but to those who actually write a decent comment, but I will just write the chapters, and publish them whenever I feel like it, or whenever the amount of non-"update" comments outweighs the opposite. Sorry to be so blunt, but I've noticed the increase of update comments when I updated two days in a row, and I really want to plop the bubble of those, who thought I did that because I was told so.   

Fifty Shades of Sasuke [Sasuke Uchiha X Reader]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora