Chapter Eight

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"There are a few items I need. To start with, I'd like some cable ties," he murmurs, his expression both cool and amused.

Cable ties?

"We stock various length. Do you want me to show you?" I mutter, my voice wavering; I sound like a little girl. Calm down, [surname]!
A slight frown perturbs Uchiha's rather lovely brow. "Please. Lead the way, Miss [Surname]," he says and I nod, while coming out from my safety wall called counter. I swallow hard, though not audible, as I am vigorously concentrating to not reiterate the same act as at the interview. My legs just feel like Jell-O and I can't be more glad about wearing my best jeans today.
"They are in the electronical goods section, aisle eight." My voice, a little too bright than usual. I glance back to him and I regret it almost immediately. Damn, he is handsome; too handsome!
"After you," Sasuke murmurs, gesturing with his long-fingered, perfectly manicured hand. Shortly, I close my eyes and walk forward, my heart hammering against my chest - I could listen to its beat - I wonder if it is even at its right place because right now I would say my heart is in my throat, making me unable to speak; dry mouth as a result. I head down one of the aisles into the electronic section, my mind drifting away, wanting to know the origin of his appearance here. What does he do in Kirigakure? Why is he here at Momochi's? And one tiny, underused and uncontroversial part of my brain there is that thought that tries to tell my subconscious: He's here to see you. I bite my lip and shake my head slightly. Bullshit! Sasuke would not come that far to visit somebody such as me, especially not to go here to Momochi's. He is most likely on a business trip. Why would that handsome, powerful, urbane man want to see me anyways? I guess that my entrance is still in his memory because I was plainly stupid and not pioneered at all. It was just as stupid and childish as that thought and I kick out of my mind, pushing it away into some unused space in my brain.
I don't look at him. "Are you in Kirigakure on business?" I ask, my voice is high, like I just saw a mouse while walking through the basement of my granny. Goddamn, try to calm your shrieky ass down, stupid!
"I was visiting the WSU farming division in Uzushigakure. I'm currently some research in crop rotating and soil science," he says matter-of-factly and I just nod with a smile; like I understand one bit of what he just said. But at least I could glare at my subconscious whispering to it: See? He's not here to find you at all. She simply flushes, a pout crossing her face and she raises her head, all-mighty and better-knowing. Wow, never knew that side of me.
"Is that all part of your feed-the-world plan?" I tease, holding in my snickering.
"Sort of," he acknowledges; if my eyes aren't betraying me, is that a smile? I stop and so does he and I turn fully at him, my hand pointing towards the various colours on the wall.
"Here we are, cable ties!" I say cheery, like I wouldn't be nervous at all. Sasuke gazes at the selection of cable ties we stock here at Momochi's. I cannot help but to wonder what he is going to do with those? It is hard for me to imagine him as a do-it-yourselver. He looks more like that sort of men who has a specialist for everything. His fingertips trail across the various packages and I hold my gaze, watching his look of concentration. He grabs one of the packs and for some reason I look away.
"These will do," he murmurs with a small smile.
"Is there anything else?"
"I'd also like some masking tape." My eyebrows raise in confusion and I had to prevent myself to think too much about it, but then again.
Masking tape!?
"Are you redecorating?" I bluntly ask without thinking. He must have laborers or staff to do decorating? I mean, I don't know the far away and never by me reached world of business and richness - if that is even a word.
"No, not redecorating," he says quickly, then there is that smirk again, making me feel like he is laughing at me.
I guess I look very funny to you!
"This way," I point walking ahead, making sure he is following me. "It's in the decorating aisle," I murmur, embarrassment shown upon my face.
"Have you worked here long?" he questions and I blush. The tone, this low octave; it simply makes me feel like a child, an infatuated school girl. Ugh, why does he have that effect on me!?
"Four years," I mutter as we reach our destination. I lean against the rack and try calming myself, but my [e/c] irises follow Mr. Uchiha bending down - that ass directly in my vision - me blushing madly. He picks out the biggest and most expensive one, though I could care less since I just saw heaven.
What am I thinking!?!
My breathing is heavy and I try biting my lip hard to stop it. No, I have to neglect that image and focus on work, for Pete's sake!
"I'll take that one," Sasuke says softly as I take the tape out of his hands, our fingers brushing briefly, yet making a bolt go through my abdomen. I try to gather my equilibrium, my tongue licking on my teeth as I am concentrating on gaining it back.
"Anything else?" I breath out and he nods, his eyes slightly widening.
"Some rope, I guess." His voice is husky, kinda like mine now.
"This way," I mumble, my hand feeling my hot cheeks. I've never been that embarrassed in my whole life.
"What sort were you after? We have synthetic and natural filament rope . . . twine . . . cable cord. . ." I halt at his expression, my voice not available at the moment; his eyes have darkened a little. Holy-!
"I'll take five yards of the natural filament rope, please." With trembling finger I quickly meassure five yards, just like he said, aware of his gaze; that onyx gaze that might haunt me forever. I dare not looking at him, just doing my job. Or what's left of that thought. I cut the rope and form a knot to hold the rope together; without cutting off one of my fingers. Seriously, it wouldn't even surprise me if I had done so because my mind does not seem to function properly with him around!
"Were you a girl scout, or something like that?" he asks and I chuckle, shaking my head.
"Group activities are not really my thing, Mr. Uchiha," I tell him and he arches a brow.
"What is your thing then, [name]?" he asks, voice kinda soft, and that little, mysterious smile is present. I gaze at him and try not to blush, my subconscious trying to get the better of me.
You! And you only!!
"Books," I shrug. "The classic literature," I smile at him.

A/N: Oh, btw! I know I take long to update, but I want to to change that! I try (keyword is TRY) to update every weekend with a long chapter for you. The next one is a bit longer than this one, but chapter ten will be around 2500 or even 3000 words! So, more than the double length than this one here. I hope this will satisfy your souls XD

Comments and votes are pretty much appreciated. Let me know what you think of the story so far and as always, I will see you in the next chaptet. (LOL, Markiplier reference)

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